Friday, October 28, 2022

So nice to not have rain, eh?

 English 12

Heyyy! Sooo, essays Monday : ) 

and finish reading chapter 10 as there is a quiz on Tuesday for Part II.

English 11

Finish the in class handout for sections 3-6 of OMaM and don't forget we will have a test on this novella next Wednesday.

For old time's sake: English 10 Podcasts.

CS 12

You will complete the questions for section 4 and you will like it. 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Ignite Draweth Nigh

 English 12

Editing and Proofreading quiz tomorrow. Review and 'bon chance'!

English 11

Complete section 5 where Lennie and Curley's wife are in the barn.

Christian Studies 12

Complete the questions for chapter 3. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 I right?

 English 11

You are finishing the section on Crooks (section/chapter 4). Please complete the 6 questions on the handout as well.

English 12

Finish reading chapter 8 and complete the questions. 

Christian Studies 12

There was too much talking during class time given for work today (unfortunately), so BE SURE to finish the questions for both chapter two AND the preface questions.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

2 months till Christmas : )

 English 12: Chapter 7 please, complete with questions.

English 11: Finish reading section 3.

CS 12: Finish the questions for section 1 of Mere Christianity. 

Monday, October 24, 2022

The Rain’s Back. Bigtime, baby!

 English 11

You are reading to the bottom of 49 and completing your poem for tomorrow! Paper copies, only.

English 12

You are easy writing, essay writing, essay writing. Got to. 

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