Saturday, January 9, 2016

Everybody's working for the weekend


A Rose for Emily-- please read it for Tuesday
Othello Test--please prepare for it for Monday
Literature Circles--please have these completed for Thursday

C.S. Lewis

Chapter 23--please complete it for Monday.

Good Ol' Canadian Band!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Title me a title


Bring Othello books tomorrow.
Bring your Literary Graffiti tomorrow.
Get some rest.

C.S. Lewis

Bring your completed questions for chapter one of Screwtape Letters tomorrow.
Bring your 'A game' for tomorrow's quiz (Bk II of Mere Christianity and all essays except The Weight of Glory).

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Did YOU see the rainbow this morning??


Read Young Goodman Brown found in your textbook and be prepared to give an account of it tomorrow after we finish watching the movie.
Remember, too, that your posters are due Friday.
Things that make you go hmmm: the two times Othello was played by a white man.

C.S. Lewis

Read Work and Prayer from your duo-tang or online (somewhere) and answer the questions that follow.
Remember, too, that we have a quiz on all things leading up to Friday on Friday (except Book I of Mere Christianity).

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy New Year! Welcome Back! When's Spring Break?


You have no English homework tonight, per se, but Literary Circles are due next week soo...yeah...

Hey, look what I stumbled across yesterday at the library! Look familiar??  We Read This!

C.S. Lewis

Journal Entry #3: respond to the topic in 10 minutes of timed writing. "What pride am I struggling with right now?"

Read The Trouble with X and answer the questions in your duo-tang. Also, catch up the last two readings already assigned as quizzes will be forthcoming.

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