Thursday, October 27, 2016

1984 and Life after High School

Grad Trans

Bring in a copy of your resume.


Read and complete questions for 1984 chapter 2. (questions for ch. 1 if you are in C block).

Wednesday, October 26, 2016



Block B: Please read chapter 1 of Part III and do the questions.
PDF version of 1984. start on page 284.

Grad Trans

Complete the portion of the financial plan where you summarize your conversation with you parents about finances next year (and beyond).

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Why is everything Pumpkin Spice these days?


Pt 2 1984 quiz tomorrow

Grad Trans

Complete the Financial Assistance handout for tomorrow.

Monday, October 24, 2016


Block C only: Journal for 1984 #6:

Write a speech that could be delivered by the orator in 1984. Bring out the shock effect of the war atrocities to ‘madden’ your audience, then, as the orator does ‘in mid sentence, without even breaking the syntax’ change the focus of your attack from one imaginary country to the other . To sustain paranoia in continuous war, fears are constantly reinforced. Try to use the same type of tactics  that occur during Hate Week to increase paranoia among the populace. Your enemy can be another country, team, or "other". Any OTHER that is not 'us'.

Quiz Wednesday for part 2 of Nineteen Eighty Four
If you ain't prepared don't even show up at my door.
Not trying to scare you or freak you out,
but showing up unprepared is not what English 12's about.
If you're 'over' Big Brother and hating this novel,
I can't make you like it by now and won't grovel.
It's almost all over; the final scene's left to play,
So hang in tight: soon 'Eighty Four will go away.
But until then you've got two poems left to read-
One's a guy with an ego and the other's about greed. 

Grad Trans

We will work on the Financial Aid hand-out tomorrow in class, so bring a laptop if you would rather work in the classroom.

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