Friday, November 17, 2017

Friday's Got me Like...

Image result for excited meme


Othello'ers Act 1 scene 2 and questions
Hamlet'ers  Act 1 scene 1 and questions


Watch the video on Eric Liddell and asnwer the questions for Monday
Please go to the October 18th post for all you need.
Remember to complete entry #2 for your journal. I am not checking this, but it needs to be done by module's end.
Important due dates:
Nov 29--annotated bibliography
Dec 4--Presentation due

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Bananas in Pajamas


Block C: Act 1 Scene 1 of Othello. Journal #2
Block B: Journal #1 (see yesterday's blog post)

Christian Studies

Know everything from Augustine to Lewis for the quiz tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Pod Cast

Podcasts are cool
Matter of fact they rule!
Don't be a fool--
To deny yourself is cruel!
Consider them a teaching tool,
and a bonus for school!

If you are in b block you have no homework...but you will have to do (pay attention now block 'c'ers)
Journal Entry #1. Listen to This Podcast from the CBC and then answer the title question for your first journal response. It's only 19+ minutes, so put in your earbuds, go for a run/wash the dishes/clean your room and then wax eloquently in your journal to start off our discussion on the relevance of Willie Shakes.

Christian Studies

Listen to Just Thinking by Ravi Zachariah at Pick any one podcast by clicking on an archived title that appeals to you. Summarize the points of your selection to share with the class tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

"Thought police strike again..."

English 12 Students!
I saw this headline in my news-feed the day after we finished 1984:
National Post News
Read Paul's Case tonight. That's right. Read it. Just read it. But seriously, read the thing!

Christian Studies
You, fine students, are reading and listening to The Almost Christian by John Wesley. Then you are are to compare today's sermons to this old 200+ year old sermon.
Check the powerpoint for the audio version:
The Link

Sunday, November 12, 2017

A Prolonged Weekend

Christian Studies
Complete the questions for bk II of Augustine's Confessions.

Read Ch. 5 of Perrine's Literature. Answer 1-4.
Please be sure consider narrative essays for any 4 of the topics listed on the handout.

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