Friday, January 11, 2019

When Tragedy turns to Triumph = The Cross

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English 12
Well, we are almost done with all things English. But we still have a bit more learnin' to do...remember that your journals are due Monday for Shakespeare, make sure you are caught up on all entries. For B block students who missed class on account of basketball, please complete all M/C questions and complete the written response for the handout I gave you. Note that the response is only 125-150 words so please give yourself no more than 20 minutes (scouts honor), as that is all the time I gave students in class.
I also gave a bonus option of line memorization in class, I will talk about this more on Monday. Alternatively, a second option is below.
Bonus: option 1 of 2: click here

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Light at end of Tunnel seen: Friday

Both classes have a quiz tomorrow on Act 5.
Journals are due Monday for Shakespeare and you are to complete a project proposal due tomorrow.
Here is a LINK for some potential ideas for your project. Some may not be applicable but they could give you a launching off point for you to create your own idea.

Christian Studies
Movie review essay due tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

My classroom:

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B block--write a 10 minute timed response for Act 4 and read 5.2 up to when Montano and others arrive. Answer any questions that apply up to that point.

C block--finish Hamlet and answer the questions for scene 2.

Both classes--journals for Shakespeare are due Monday.

Christian Studies
No homework but be prepared to work on either your theme essay or movie essay tomorrow during 2nd block.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

New Year, Same Grade

Christian Studies
You are doing another journal entry whereby you read the handout on John 11 and respond in a 10 minuted reflection on anything presented to you in the handout.
Don't forget your essay on the movie is due this Friday.

No homework but next Thursday is when the Lit Circles are due.

Monday, January 7, 2019

School Tomorrow

Hi All,

Not sure how many of you will be checking this blog but here it is for those of you who are interested.

B block: due to the loss of power last Thursday, we were unable to complete our Othello Quiz on Act 4. Please note that we will write that quiz tomorrow and that it will be quotes quiz.
C block: no homework
Both classes: Advisory will be in my class tomorrow.
Upcoming due dates: the 18th will be when your Lit Circles are due.
The 24th is the provincial exam.

Christian Studies
There is no homework but remember the movie review and final essay are upcoming.

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