Thursday, October 23, 2014

WORD! a unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds or their written representation, that functions as a principal carrier of meaning.

Mere Christianity:

See Thursday's post for homework.


Create a response to today's field trip.
It must not be an essay.
It is not something like "my favorite poet was _______ because_____". 
Instead, I want you to take what you saw and heard and present something that reflects your mind state or perception of the trip.
It can be on a poet him/herself, on a poem/story you heard, the idea of a Writer's Festival, the moderator, or whatever resonated with you.
You can do a poem, a narrative, a song, a word collage or anything else in written form. 
Be creative.
Bottom line: You need to hand in something that shows me you were present and engaged on today's field trip.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Forgot how dependent we are on electricity!

Mere Christianity

There are two chapters that you must complete the questions for:
~Sexual Morality
~Christian Marriage
If you can read the Psychoanalysis chapter AND do the questions, I would be your best friend!
Remember I want to go back to #5 on Social Morality so read your Bibles.


Read chapter 3 of 1984.
Today we discussed how to determine whether a poem is excellent or not. Please ensure you understand the criteria; if you do not, please discuss with me.

See ya'll on Granville Island!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

This Wednesday's like a Thursday

Social Justice:

Answer the questions for Social Morality.
Be prepared for two more guest appearances on the Loconte show.


Read the two chapters entitled Evaluating Poetry (1 and 2) pages starting on page 903 answer question number 1 only.

Do a peer review evaluation.

Monday, October 20, 2014

HOT in Hurr!


1. Finish reading Chapter 2 of 1984.
2. Pre-read This Poem for Tuesday.
3. Block D: Finish the one or two editing sheets assigned: Western Ape and Urban Wildcat.
3. Block D: Finish the "Eliminating Wordiness" handout.
4. Remember that Nov. 3rd is your double due date.
5. Permission slips are still outstanding for some of you.

Social Justice

1. Sonya will be teaching us about Social Morality tomorrow.
 2. Please also read the chapter on Cardinal Virtues.

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