Thursday, November 25, 2010

"Let them eat snow!"

Socials 11
Test Monday!
Study well.

English 12
Approaching due dates:
-Nov. 29th: Bonus Speech Due
-Dec. 10: Line Memorization Due
-Dec. 13: Sonnet Due
Do all provincial prep poems in your poetry package (Dumka, What Shall He Tell His Son, Wordsmith--mulitple choice questions follow each)

English 11
Assignment number 1 due Monday, finish reading ch 10 to fully do this assignment, don't worry about answering the questions.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Snow Day???

Socials 11
NO HW, Test Monday.
Bonus assignment due Friday Dec 3 (Ch.9 "Evaluating News Sources)

English 12
Strong possibility of a quiz tomorrow on Acts 1 and 2
Lines due Dec. 10

English 11
Read Ch. 9 and answer the questions.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Short days make me smile!

Socials 11
Activities on p. 263 #1-3 (for number 3 do not write the letter to an MLA)

English 12
Read Act 2. Scene 2 and answer the one question that follows.
If you are behind in reading this play GET CAUGHT UP, as tonight's reading is light, light, light. Don't make me have to bust out the dreaded "pop quiz".
Consider doing the bonus speech--due next Monday.

English 11
NO HW...consider that you have an essay due on Nov 6...maybe try your hand at a topical outline.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Coldest Day Thus Far!!

Socials 11
Chapter 10: read up to page 253 and answer all Activities except #4.
Answer all the questions for figures 10-9 and 10-10.

English 12
Read Act 1 Scene 2, answer all questions that follow.

English 11
Finsish reading the remaining pages of Chapter 8 and answer all the questions that follow.
Due date for Essay Competition: Dec 5.

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