Friday, October 14, 2022

T. G. I. F.

 English 12

You have a few assignments to keep you busy.

Fall behind and you'll be in your feelings like Drizzy.

You got your first essay, keep in mind there's more,

But for Monday read chapter two of nineteen 84.

October 31st is when you submit your first paper

 & start lit circles or your mark will vanish like vapor.

Complete novel questions tonight. I'm turning up the heat

We're playing the long game, you got this, no defeat!

English 11

Of Mice and Men is our new novella to explore.

Monday presentations on research are also in store.

Plus read part one-- that's pages one through 16.

and complete all starred questions, that's not too mean!

Career Life 12

Ready Player One: Capstone Begin!

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Late night post

 English 11

Two poems for you to preview tonight:


small group discussion to follow tomorrow.

Also complete the lit terms refresher. 

English 12

Read ch 1 of part two plus questions. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Short Wednesdays: doubleplusgood.

 English 12 

In chapters 3 and 5 of 1984, we see how language, in addition to so many other elements of society, is  used as a form of thought control in Oceania. In chapter five, Syme says that 'the aim of Newspeak' is to make 'thoughtcrime literally impossible' by narrowing the range of thought. 

Do WE use language in the same way today? Do we, as a society, try to control how people think by the word choices we condone? Maybe. maybe not. But let's have a thoughtful discussion tomorrow. 

One way to enter into this topic is by reading THIS article published in The Atlantic magazine. (2015). Okay, the article is LOOONNG, but I am not asking you to read it all. 😁

Please read the beginning of The Coddling of the American Mind and stop at How Did We Get Here, and then head down to the bottom of the article and finish with What Can We Do Now.

The whole read should take 10-15 minutes. If you want to read more, feel free. Or if you want to watch the interview with the author, go ahead. These additional aspects are optional, though.

Upon reading, answer the following question:

1. Are the limiting of microaggressions and promotion of trigger warnings similar, in any way, to the way language is used in 1984? Explain with examples from both the reading and the novel.  One paragraph max. 

English 11

No homework tonight but the one page report on your topic related to Of Mice and Men is due Friday.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Tuesday (Be Full of the Thanks)

 English 12

Make sure you check my post from earlier today but please read The Guest tonight. It is in your textbook on page 358 (9th ed). It's written by Albert Camus.  You can likely find it online if you did not bring your textbook home.

Answer these two questions: 

1. What is the central conflict of the story? Is it internal or external? Explain.

2. In what respect is the ending of the story ironic? What kind of irony is it and how does it contribute to the meaning of the story.

Drama: Assembly Doc


Grade 12s, Fill in this Google Form for Yearbook.

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