Friday, April 9, 2021


Few things in this life are really as pleasant 
as receiving an unexpected, unasked for present.
And while that is always the case no matter where,
Pleasant is the word for you to write on, if you dare.
As always 10 minutes is the name of the game,
make sure your free writes don't all look the same.
You are handing them in this coming Tuesday morn
Be ready! I don't like late work, in my side it's a thorn.
Also this weekend get into Macbeth, (act 1, scene three),
Read to the bottom of page 15, the task is question-free!


Thursday, April 8, 2021

CELEBRATION is today's free write (10 minutes)


Please complete this practice exam for tomorrow's class. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WRITE A FULL RESPONSE FOR EACH PROMPT AS I WILL NOT BE GRADING IT. You do have to do the readings and put in some effort to the writing prompts as I will be doing the same. There is no other homework tonight. We will discuss and review it tomorrow and move on from the Literacy Assessment after that. 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Poetry in Voice

Tips for delivering your poem 

Great Delivery

Poem recitation due Next Wednesday (Next Thursday- no class)

10 Minutes Free Writes are due in their entirety Next Tuesday.

Today's topic was SOFT.

Read Act I, scene ii and answer the questions in the handout, if you are online complete:

1.1 What information is conveyed by the conversation of the witches?

1.2 How is the character of Macbeth revealed in this scene? What are some of the tributes paid him by various people in the scene?

1.2 What traits of Duncan's character are revealed? What light does this scene throw upon the condition of Scotland under the rule of Duncan?

Lastly, I will be going over the Literacy 10 Assessment tomorrow in preparation for next Wednesday's exam. Please do your best to make it to English class on time, laptop in hand. 



Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Mice/Men OUT; Macbeth IN

 Fate, Ambition, Destiny, Greed,
All new topics that take the lead
In our new unit of study: Macbeth,
It is a expect some death.
Act 1 Scene 1 is the homework tonight.
It's short, like this poem: I kept it light.
No questions to finish, those come after,
If you don't read 1.1., that'll be a disaster!

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