Friday, January 6, 2017

FrIdAy is here...and so is more snow?

powerpoint < please refer to it for your journal entry due Monday...also read pages 109-116. Do not read Ritual Family Life in Post-Mosaic Israel.

Mid term paper on Monday.


Poetry Test on Monday.
Out of 20: 10 terms from a word bank.
5 definitions.
5 matching.
Highlighted words, should have been, well, high lighted. Confer with each other if you don't feel you have them all.

Final line recitations Monday at lunch!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Thursday Stuff


Both classes have lines to deliver tomorrow. Step your game up and don't forget your reflection.
Hamlet, I have not yet given you your final journal topic. Please stay posted. I am thinking of a new one. Hamlet Wrap-up Discussion.


Finish reading up to page 107
Come to class prepared to represent the image of the God we worship.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Shake off the Dust (happy new year)

>English- There is a quiz for both classes tomorrow on Act 4.

Final Journal entry topic:

Solving the 'Problem' of Othello-
Over the years Othello has left critics and viewers of the play wondering and debating: Does Shakespeare provide Iago with enough human motivation for the malevolent acts he commits? Is it plausible that the intelligent, noble Othello could fall so quickly into Iago's trap, turning from blissful newlywed to murderer in three days? Is the play deep flawed, or is it disturbing and challenging because of its 'problems'? Do the play's problems provoke you to think deeply about human nature or would they be better 'fixed' by a rewrite?


You are finishing reading 5.2 for homework. You do not need to answer the questions that accompany this scene.
You do not need to complete your final journal entry for the play yet. I will give you the topic tomorrow.

>Biblical Worship:

You are reading up to page 100. Read only.


Shake the Dust

Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year


Lines from each play will be delivered this Friday. Please begin to work on this assignment if you have not yet started.
Here is a helpful VIDEO that offers sound advice on how to memorize anything.
As a head's up, this last three weeks of classes will be a closing of English 12 so expect semester end tests and other assignments that ask you to recall your knowledge of the past 4 months.


We are reading up to page 80 to complete what we should have done in class when we were caroling (good times). Over the break I also asked you read up to page 90 (top of). There will be questions provided for you on the first day back to serve as review. I will also give you the essay topics that will round out this module.

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