Friday, November 5, 2021

Day of Dues

 English 12

Your persuasive essays are due Monday.

English 11 

Your rough draft of your Poem Based on a Lie is due Monday.

Christian Studies 12

🖁: "Nothing to tell you" 

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Macbeth, Lewis, and Winston: The Shape of My Day

 English 11

You need to read to the bottom of 15 of Macbeth and answered all starred questions for scenes 2 and 3 of Act 1.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Juicy for Jesus

English 11

Read Act 1, scene 1 and answer the questions in the handout.

English 12

Final journal entry: Does 1984 mirror 2021? Explain. Submit all journals tomorrow. Don't forget to write for 10 minutes.

Christian Studies


Monday, November 1, 2021

November is here, clocks go back..fall is full swing and Christmas is next month.

 English 12

 Answer questions for chapter 3-5 (read chapters 4 & 5)

Journals due tomorrow.

1984 test Friday.

Persuasive essay due Monday (printed).

English 11

Complete the Anticipation Guide for Macbeth.

Proposal for Poem Based on a Lie due tomorrow. Consult the assignment handout for more details.

Christian Studies 12

Complete the questions for chapter 4.

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