Friday, May 17, 2013

Queen Victoria Saves the Day!

Test Tuesday!
a. Multiple choice
b One Guiding Question
c. Student-created Fill in the Blank.

Quizzes from ch. 8 will be handed back anyone who did not finish the outlines may do so at lunch on Tuesday.

Signed Tests from Chapter 7 are still in hot demand.

Essay due June 3

You will have class with me next Friday.

Aaand please answer all of the questions for the last three sets Practice Questions.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


ReAd PaGe 304-309, BuT oNlY dO tHe QuEsTiOnS oN pAgE 307 (aLl)

TeSt TuEsDaY

Provincial exam: JUNE 21ST. am

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Wish I was there with 'youse' today, but Track and Field called, or rather Mr. Chung did.
I hoped you managed to have some good discussion on government and politics as this chapter nicely coincided with yesterday's Election Day.

Tonight I have requested that you complete # 1,4 on page 302.

We will be 'all business' tomorrow so come prepared to think, discuss, and learn. 
There's about 20 days of classes left (Argh! and Yeah!)

Until we meet again.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Hugg'a Mutha

3 Questions for chapter 9: read page 290-291

1. What issues are important to Canadians? To you?
2. What are MLAs also called and why?
3. What do pressure groups do?

Quiz tomorrow:
pages 268 to end of chapter 8.

Signed tests!

Abigail: Hist. Fic. presentation tomorrow.

If you wanted to continue watching Rose's video on Gay/Straight, you can watch it HERE!

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