Friday, October 12, 2018

Friday, Glorious, Friday

Image result for field trip meme
Don't forget your forms!


Both classes are reading the next TWO chapters of 1984 and both classes have their expository essays due on Monday.

Social Justice

Read the chapter on Unclean Water pages 51-55.
Read only.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

A week from today...count down!!!


Both classes are working on expository essays.
We will workshop them tomorrow paying special attention to 'conclusions' and 'secondary sources'.

Social Justice

Tonight's homework is only to listen to a PODCAST.
This podcast may seem unrelated to social justice but it will become clear once you hear the end of the talk. You must listen to the whole thing. It's light homework. Go for a run, walk your dog, do some chores for your family and plug in tonight's listening work.
You must respond to this podcast by writing a paragraph response on the following topic.
"How is what can and cannot be accepted as tolerable discussion on campus fall in the category of social justice?

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Auritro, where were you at chapel today?


Both classes are bringing in their expository essays tomorrow as we will be paying special attention to our leads.
Both classes are reading the next chapter for homework tonight as well (+ questions).


In class essays tomorrow and they are due Thursday by A block.

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