Friday, May 10, 2013


Yesterday's Homework in case you missed it:
Page 270 #1-4
Page 273 #1-3

Tonight's Homework:
Finish the chapter but there are no questions to complete.

Please read the section on Disgrace in Somalia (page 276) as it relates to your reading on page 275.

There is a quiz on pages 268 to the end of the chapter.

There will also be a current events quiz.

BTW only 8 students have handed in their last test. Get chapter 7 signed and hand it in.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Legalize It?

Today's review focused on the attempts by Mulroney to resolve the issues that the Amending Formula raised within Quebec and the limitations of the Charlottetown and Meech Lake Accord.

There is a quiz tomorrow on pages 262-267. Study accordingly.

Signed Tests?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Matthew 25: 34-46

Finish reading pages 265- 265 and answer #1.

Bring in signed tests.

Sarah-Joy devotions.

Christian presentation

Tomorrow we will be having a political guest speaker: he is the MLA for my riding (district). Please think of any questions you would like to ask him and be polite. The other SS class will be joining us as well.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Dismal quizzes and Dire tests

Onward and upward people. Lets see some strong numbers tomorrow.
Quiz tomorrow on pages 250-259!
Finish reading up to page 264 and answer 5-7.

Ekoh, we will be hearing from you for devotions.
Charmain, historical fiction project tomorrow.


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