Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday: Was the torch in your neighbourhood?

Good day to you! Friday's homework will also be on this blog, although I will not be in class tomorrow.

English 11
Remember we have a new blog: See you there. This will be the last post to you on this page.

English 12
Wow, we had great dialogue about the Lottery today. Opinions varied but I want you to walk away from the story with this clear concept:

"We rationalize our barbaric behaviour or we often continue traditions without question."

The story was meant to be allegorical (highlight that) and concepts of sacrafice and scapegoating are present.

Tonight you need to read Paul's Case and answer # 1-6.
Remeber that we have a vocab quiz tomorrow on Miss Brill and The Lottery.

Get into your lit circle books and see what you can find on your selected author for your research paper.

We also reviewed how to use the semicolon and colon...get the notes from someone as you will be asked to use them properly in future essays.

Socials 11
We are now in Chapter 11. Read up to the first set of Activities on page 273 and answer 1-3a.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday From Woden the Teotonic God of Anglo Saxons.

English 11

Last Day to get in your gmail account without loss of Locobucks. Form is now ready for definitions.

Check your gmail account for invitation.

Create two similes one for Leonard Mead and one for the world in which he inhabits.
Make 'em snazzy.

Write a paragraph on the motif (a pattern within a work of literature) of the story and how it connects to the theme of the story of the Pedestrian. Important to include a topic sentence and supporting evidence from the text.

English 12

Finish reading the Lottery and answer:

5-9 on the handout, excluding #7.

If you don't have the handout, phone a friend, but come to class expecting to discuss the story.

Socials 11

Test Tomorrow!

Lit 12

See our blog from now on.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday (I got outta my warm bed for this one)

Ok quickly!

Eng 11

Read The Pedestrian-no questions.

Eng 12

Read Chap 5--1-4 (?) Someone comment if that's incorrect.


Finish the chapter, questions 1 &3.

Lit 12

Read up to the Monk! Answer overhead questions...sorry Joy forgot to bring that overhead home.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday (the one before the Olympics)

English 11

Read The Charmer by Budge Wilson. No questions.
Add your gmail account on Thursday's post link.

English 12.

Read Chapter 4 on Theme, answer # 2-4
Answer 1,4,5 on The Lesson.

Socials 11

Complete 1,2,3 of Activities on page 264.

Lit 12

A bit of heavy reading tonight. Read the Medieval Period up to and including the bio of Chaucer.
Answer all Review Questions.

And add your name to Shannon's in the gmail link posted in Thursday's blog.

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