Friday, November 6, 2015

It's Friday so it can't be all that 'Doubleplusungood'!

Social Justice

If you missed today's journal topic this was the topic. Remember journals are due on Monday. Be sure to include one news article of your own.
Skits will be presented Monday as well and final projects are due Tuesday.
You will be given your final exam topic on Wednesday, and it will be due the last day of school before the Christmas break by email submission only.


1984 paragraphs due Monday.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Guy Fawkes Day

Matt cartoon, 3 November

For all my closet conspirators out there, this one's for you!


Determine whether Guns or Vergismeinnicht is a superior poem. A 1/2 page paragraph response is due tomorrow. Hard copy only please. Read Evaluating Poetry II (chapter 16) before you write on "Guns" or  Vergismeinnicht.

Social Justice

As mentioned in class, you MAY (or may not) have a quiz tomorrow on all the Zealous Love, those.

Monday: Journals due
Monday: Skit due (record it or act it in front of the class this is up to you)
Tuesday: Final project due.
December 18th (midnight latest) Final exam essay due. Topic given out on Remembrance Day.

Journal topic to be given out tomorrow in class.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Dean O'Gorman Iolaus animated GIF
That look when nothing comes to mind for a clever post title.

Civil Peace. Read it. Perrine's Literature. Find it, it's there!

Social Justice
No homework but various due dates are approaching (see previous blog posts). Have you read all Zealous Love readings? (Cue ominous music)

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun...


Read "The One's who walk away from Omelas", it's a bit long and perhaps even (dare I say it?) boring in its introduction & rising action, but it pays off (though-provokingly enough) towards the end. Please stick with it, we will discuss it tomorrow.

Social Justice

Good news coming tomorrow in class...
but for tonight please read Economic Inequality (pages 207-216),
and here is your journal pre-read for tonight.

Benedict Cumberbatch has a few words to say to those who attend his Hamlet performance every day. What will you use your voice to say?

Monday, November 2, 2015

Fall Back (Spring Ahead)

It wasn't always this way!


1984 Powerpoint

Alternative to journal entry #6: Compose three sentence that might constitute a thoughtcrime in our school, community, country. What emotions might you feel if you really said/did these things? Sugest certain situations in the world today where committing a thoughcrime (speaking the truth) has serious consequences.

Zoe's link to My Little Pony/1984

Test tomorrow: Bring paper, pen, journals, and your 'A-game'.

Social Justice

No hw tonight. Get caught up on everything outstanding.

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