Thursday, April 26, 2012

Life's a Beach.

History 12
I have been convinced to change the date of the Historical Significance assignment to May 2 (Wednesday).
Your homework over this long weekend is scant: read the Iraq/Iran war and do 2 paltry questions 14,15.

Socials 11
Quiz on Monday on everything up to "Chretien to Martin to Harper.
Complete the Practicing Questions: 1-7, not 4.

English 12
Upcoming due dates:
April 30- Act 3 quiz
May 7- lines due
May 9- literary graffiti due
Tonight's homework: Read Point of View/ Chapter 5 in "the brick" and finish Paul's Case if you have not yet.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Frisbees Stole My Students

History 12
See the link below for a recap of the day's discussion and the homework (read Suez Crisis, p 215)
Trevor presentation tomorrow...or Monday

Socials 11
Please complete the section on Aboriginals ( 250-256).
Complete questions 1-4 & 6.

English 12
Line recitation due: May 7
Assignment: Literary Graffiti due May 9.
In-class essay tomorrow. subject TBA
Reading: Paul' Case in the textbook
Monday: Act 3 quiz

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Peace in the Middle Eas', Tests, & homosexual overtures in Othello?

Tons of homework tonight: questions 1-3 at the end of the chapter.
Coral, Bethany mini-presentations tomorrow.

One week from today you will present a comparison of two songs. Make sure you have the assignment, we will discuss this tomorrow.  Read up to page 249 in chapter 8 and answer 1,2,5,6.

Othello is convinced his wife is a whore
Iago's proof was weak and not much more.
Iago seeks revenge, that's what he did say,
So don't assume he does this because he is gay.
This play is heating up, let's see how it ends,
finish the rest of this scene, don't forget your questions. (meh, close enough)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Day Backwards:

12 English 
.241 line to up read and 3.3 of questions four 1st the Finish
.essay class-in up coming an for writing essay strong Revew

11 Socials
.tomorrow test. Study!

12 History
.hard not its...question "compare" the do to need you of 4. chapter the of 1/2 second the on tomorrow Quiz

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