Saturday, December 4, 2010

2 Week Countdown Begins Now

Socials 11
Test Monday: there will be one of the two charts to draw, vocab, matc hing terms, and fill in the blank short answers (40 marks)

English 12
Finish reading Act 3.4 and answer the questions for this section.
Journal for Act 3 also should be done.

English 11
Journal topic #5 posted on whiteboard, find out what it is and write on it for Monday (about symbolism). All journals due Monday.
Essay and topical outline due Monday.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Twas the Night Before....FRIDAY!

Socials 11
Complete the Review sheet- front side only.

English 12
Finish reading 3.3 and complete ALL of the questions... they will take some time, nonetheless, I DO expect them to all be completed.

English 11
Finish reading the novel and answer all questions for Ch. 12
Journal due Monday- final topic tomorrow in class.
Vocab quiz Tuesday. Here are the words for Ch. 12:
antiphonal baulk ensconse
ravenously tentatively cordon
fronds excruciatingly crepitation
ululating obscurity pax
diddle apaulettes grimace
elephantine distended

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"Let me be brief"

Socials 11
p280 #1,2

English 12
Act 3.3 # 1-3

Socials 11
Journal entry: would you put Jack on trial for the 'crimes' on the island...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"What is Your Purpose?"

Socials 11
Page 277, Activities 1 & 3
Bonus assignment due this Friday.

English 12
Get caught up on whatever you need to do!
Tomorrow we review the chapter intro (7) and the PP poems
Memorize lines and work on Sonnet.

English 11
Quiz tomorrow for Ch. 7-9
Dec 6 Essay and Outline due

chapel april 16 d/e/ 1FAIpQLSe1M3GzPklD1McmcoxQGB6R RsnFpmz3rSSqQqwysu7KsvuSTA/ viewform?usp=sf_link