Grade 12s: For English finish chapter 1 and answers the questions and for Christian Studies finish the questions for chapter 2.
Grade 11s: You have no HW tonight.
Grade 12s: For English finish chapter 1 and answers the questions and for Christian Studies finish the questions for chapter 2.
Grade 11s: You have no HW tonight.
English 11
Of Mice and Men test tomorrow. Bring lined paper, a pen, and your novella to turn in.
English 12
Tonight you are listening to a podcast as instructed in class. As you listen to this fascinating tale of how English evolved, critically listen to it as you would read an expository essay. Note and record THE LEAD, the use of TRANSITIONAL SENTENCES to move along the idea (history in this case), the use of LITERARY DEVICES like metaphors and similes to help you visualize or understand the concepts being conveyed, THE EXAMPLES to support the ideas, THE CONCLUSION (it ends with a quote of sorts and does not merely repeat what's been said). Record examples of these 5 areas in the podcast for discussion tomorrow.
The English Language: From a Dark Ages Dialect to Global Domination You can also find it on Spotify.
Career Life Christian Studies 12
Read "The Preface" of Mere Christianity and answer the questions in the package.
English 11
Complete the handout "Unity in Main Paragraphs", 1-10.
English 12
Finish reading The Guest #1-7
Career Life 12
English 12
Be sure to review book 2 for the 1984 quiz tomorrow.
Persuasive Essay due November 8.
English 11
No HW.
Of Mice and Men test this Thursday.
Career Life
No HW. d/e/ 1FAIpQLSe1M3GzPklD1McmcoxQGB6R RsnFpmz3rSSqQqwysu7KsvuSTA/ viewform?usp=sf_link