Friday, February 4, 2022

Friday. Week 1. Done!

 Philosophy 12

Written by a high school student in Toronto.

Have a look. 

Also finish reading the first chapter of Philosophy.

English 10

Finish reading ‘The Portable Phonograph’.  Answer this singular question: what theme do YOU think (not an online person) the author is suggesting with this story.

Good copy of The Metaphor due Monday.

English 11

Finish reading ‘Boys and Girls’ and answer the first question of #2. 

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Author Visit

 English 10

Write an extended metaphor (1/2 page in length) about a person you know. Bring in a rough draft tomorrow for feedback. Final copy due Monday.

Philosophy 12

You have no further homework unless you have not created 5 review questions on todays reading (up to page 25).

English 11

Final draft of simile paragraph is due. Read Boys and Girls up to page 52. No questions.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Snippets of Snow

 English 11

Write a paragraph on a person you know personally. Include 5-7 similes to describe them. Don't merely list the similes one after the after but intersperse them throughout your paragraph to really bring the person 'to life', so to speak. The rough draft is due tomorrow, therefore, bring a complete  hand-written/typed version, or a digital version on on your laptop. We will peer edit one another's work and the final version (on paper) will be due on FRIDAY. 

English 10

1. Why do you think Miss Hancock got along so well in junior high school, but had so much difficultly in senior high?

4. How were the metaphorical descriptions similar to the actual characters of a) Charlotte's mother? b) Miss Hancock?

5. What do you think was the author's main purpose for writing this story?

Philosophy 12

Ensure you have a book selected for your book report due at the end of term 3. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

It's Chilly--but Nice : )

English 10
Bring a duo tang for your free-writes.
If you wanted to look at various "This Week in Photos"
a couple of the sites I like are (awesome)

English 11
See above  ^ ^ and read today's handouts for tomorrow's discussion.
Philosophy 12
Define 1,2,3 audience, double irony, and irony. 
All are found in Socratic Dialogues, 
so essentially I am asking you review today's reading
to ensure you have a firm grasp on the main parts. 
Pages 6-15.

Monday, January 31, 2022

Late Post Apologies

 Sorry for this out-of-character late post: crazy day today! Let's get into it.

English 10

Have another look at The Tell-Tale Heart and answer 1, 2, 4, 5. Write out your answer or type them out (no need to print). We will discuss these answers tomorrow. The Story is Here

English 11

Read Learning the Language and answer the questions we reviewed in class: 2, 3. Write out your answer or type them out (no need to print). We will discuss these answers tomorrow.

Philosophy 12

Let's listen to podcast on a universal topic (Santa Claus and Christmas) as a way to introduce ourselves into the world of philosophy--it really is everywhere. We will be introduced into a few philosophical concepts that we will explore further in the semester, e.g. ethics, utilitarianism to name a few.

Please make points of interest (interpret this as you will) on the following main ideas:

1. Consequentialism

2. Internationalism

3. Deontology

4. Categorical Imperative

5. Virtue Ethics

6. Does Santa exist?

No need to write copious amounts. These are meant to be talking points for initial philosophical ideas only. 

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