Wednesday, April 28, 2021

3 day workweek; 5 day weekend

 The final poetic piece you will write in English 11 is a reverse poem.

It is due on May 28th but if you submit May 26 you get a bonus mark and you will get more bonus marks (still figuring that out) if you memorize and recite to the class.

Reverse poems must have the following:

An original title

Be hand written or typed and submitted at the START of class.

Include a minimum of two poetic devices.

19-25 lines; you may write more than 25 but no less 19 lines.

Correct spelling.

A single word may be a line of poetry but only once

Act 3 scenes 1 and 2 (with questions) for Monday.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Logs, Logs, Logs and "Our royal master's murdered"

He climbed trees: the spirit of a leopard within him.
His body was lean, lithe, muscular, and quite trim.
His fingernails dug deep into each bark's outer rim
This talent he'd picked up started out as a mere whim.
He dexterously scaled the evergreens, limb by limb.
But oh no! he missed a branch, fell till the lights got dim.
Now we dedicate our bouldering to the life of dear Jim.
Time to get quizzed on the second Act of "Macbeth"
Study the quotes well and say a prayer under your breath.

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