Friday, May 3, 2019


Today you handed in your poem.
If you didn't, it's late, so that's unfortunate.
This weekend all you have to do is write a self evaluation for your poem.
Consider these questions as you write:
To what extent did you stick to your own criteria?
How fully do you feel the poem lives up to the assignment?
What challenges did you have in the composition of this piece?
Do you feel you learned anything about yourself while doing this poem.
How satisfied are you with the effort you put into this work?
If you were to do this again, what would you change?

Have a lovely weekend!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

By Grace. Through Faith. Not works.

English 11, XI, E-LEV-EN!

Who said it and what the heck does it mean?!
It's time to show you understand what you've seen.
Call it a quiz, a test, or a fact-finding mission,
Your job for tomorrow is to supply a transmission
of knowledge from you (on paper) to me
and I'll be bummed to see anyone get less than a B.
So read up, brush up, study up and stay up
Do what ya gotta do, (couldn't hurt to pray up!)

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