English 10
Complete the Snippet handout (on characterization) and look over the handout for the Podcast project.
English 11
Complete the questions for Act III, scene iii.
Philosophy 12
Complete the questions for the reading on David Hume.
English 10
Complete the Snippet handout (on characterization) and look over the handout for the Podcast project.
English 11
Complete the questions for Act III, scene iii.
Philosophy 12
Complete the questions for the reading on David Hume.
English 10
Quiz tomorrow on Act 3. It's a quotes quiz so please know your Shakespeare. Also, ensure that you complete the handouts for tomorrow's homework check.
English 11
Please complete the backside of the handout on Unity in Paragraphs. Hopefully you were able to get a copy from Megane today. If not, please ensure you get sent a digital copy from a trusted ally to help you get your work done.
Philosophy 12
English 11
Read Act 2 scene 2 and answers the two questions in the handout.
English 10
Answer the first 5 questions for scene 2.
Philosophy 12
Read Leibniz and Rationalism.
Answer if you weren't in class, ensure you answer the following questions from the weekend reading.
1. What are two main points Descartes concludes by the end of Meditation II?
2. "Cogito, ergo, sum" I think, therefore, I am is not exactly what Descartes said. What did he really say?
2b. Me saying Flora exists doesn't necessarily prove it's true. Why not?
3. How do you explain what solipsism is?
4. What are Descartes two rules for being able to say something with absolute certainty?
5. Does Descartes think that reason or the senses give us knowledge we can be certain of. Provide an explanation by discussing the ball of wax idea.
6. Both rationalists and empiricists responded to Descartes demand for certainty. List the points that each side makes to Descartes.
https://docs.google.com/forms/ d/e/ 1FAIpQLSe1M3GzPklD1McmcoxQGB6R RsnFpmz3rSSqQqwysu7KsvuSTA/ viewform?usp=sf_link