Career Life 12
No HW but look at this little tidbit. I don't know which is better: that Canada is #1 or that 1984 reference.
As requested, Monday's class will be designated for Ignite planning. Slay away.
Career Life 12
No HW but look at this little tidbit. I don't know which is better: that Canada is #1 or that 1984 reference.
As requested, Monday's class will be designated for Ignite planning. Slay away.
English 12
Write a response to today's field trip. It must NOT be an essay. It is NOT something like "My favorite writer was __________ because ___________". Instead, I want you to take what you saw and heard and present something that reflects your mind state or perception of the trip. It can be on a writer, him/herself, on a poem/story you heard, the ideas of a Writer's Festival, the moderator, or whatever resonated with you.English 12
Judgement day , D-Day, Essays due tomorrow.😜
English 11
Finish reading section 4 tomorrow and complete both sides of the handout.
Career Life 12
Nothing due tomorrow.
Why Universities are failing to prepare to prepare students for the job market d/e/ 1FAIpQLSe1M3GzPklD1McmcoxQGB6R RsnFpmz3rSSqQqwysu7KsvuSTA/ viewform?usp=sf_link