Friday, April 28, 2017

Friday and Sun and End of April and...


Read to the top of page 30 (before the entrance of Portia) and answer the following questions
1. Describe the events leading to Brutus' decision to join the conspiracy.
2. How doe Brutus justify his decisio to join the assassins?
3. State the purpose of this scene.
4. Explain why Brutus will not permit an oath to be taken by the members of the conspiracy.
5. "No sooner has Brutus consented to become the leader of the conspiracy that he makes it obvious to the others that he means to be the leader in fact as well in as in name." Comment on this statement.
Christopher is to give a book report on Tuesday. Remember to include the written potion on your presentation. Several students have neglected this part of the portion and it is worth half of your overall mark.


Complete 1-3 and 5 on page 196
UBC reflections are due
Dane and Robert are to give book reports on Monday.

We will be finishing The Dresser on Monday. Don't forget your monologues.

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