Thursday, May 17, 2012

Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, Please Shine Down on Me!

History 12
Projects due tomorrow.
Essays due tomorrow night.
Chapter 15 is omitted and we will begin reading Chapter 16 tomorrow.
(essay topics in comments box below)

Socials 11
If you finished the in class questions on page 340 (1 and 3) you have no homework.
We will finish the chapter tomorrow and have a test on Wednesdsay, (review part of Tuesday).

English 12
Finishing in class essay tomorrow so no homework tonight except to read the biography by Nelson Mandela is you have not already done so.
Essay due Tuesday.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Headline reads "Cooler weather does not decrease requests to be freed into Nature"

History 12
The ever-retreating deadline: Projects for China chapter are due this Friday. Nothing late will be accepted.
Take home essays are assigned tomorrow and due Friday evening.
Tonight you are reading China's Demand for Democracy.

Socials 11
Read up to page 343 and answer #1-3.
Tomorrow a bonus assignment will be given due one week from tomorrow.

English 12
Due dates: Othello essay- May 22nd
                  Sonnet- June 7th
                   Lit Circle- also June 7th
Read A Country Childhood by Nelson Mandela (no questions)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Final Four

Please read the section on Foreign Policy and complete the questions posted in Thursday's comments box.
Reminder that projects are due this week also.

Quiz tomorrow on the last half of the chapter...bonus current events quiz as well.
I also asked that you read the first couple of pages on Human Rights and do the questions in the first set of Practising Questions.

Essay on Othello due not this Monday but next.
Please read Chap 6 intro on Allegory and Fantasy.
There are two questions you do not have to do but I do not have my book with me at home so I am not sure which two those are. One is A Worn Path question so omit that one and do the rest to be safe...or phone a friend.
Also we read but did not finish The Rocking Horse Winner, please read and complete the questions.
Again sorry here for now knowing the numbers, phone a friend or check with me in the AM tomorrow.


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