Macbeth projects/essays due Monday- English 11
We are making an alliance with 10B for Monday's class. Make room. Also, hand in your Group Reflection/Mark defense on Monday. - English 10
Macbeth projects/essays due Monday- English 11
We are making an alliance with 10B for Monday's class. Make room. Also, hand in your Group Reflection/Mark defense on Monday. - English 10
English 11
There is no homework tonight but we will be finishing Macbeth tomorrow. For some of you this meme will feel very appropriate:
English 11:
Please complete all the questions for scene 3. We will spend a good chunk of time unpacking the final scene of Act 4. Lots going on there. Movie and Find It sheet to follow for tomorrow's class.
English 10:
Poetic vocab quiz Thursday and Podcasts due Friday.
In Other Matters:
Almost time to go back into the ol' memory banks of school happenings.
I'll start:
Englais 11
Read Act 4, scene 2
plus questions.
English Dix
Tomorrow is a Podcast work block but poetry test is on Thursday. d/e/ 1FAIpQLSe1M3GzPklD1McmcoxQGB6R RsnFpmz3rSSqQqwysu7KsvuSTA/ viewform?usp=sf_link