Wednesday, September 7, 2016



Read "Reading the Story" on page 61 (9th ed) and answer the questions that follow (1-5). If you do not have a textbook, or the questions I have photocopied this reading for you. Please pick it up in my classroom.


English 12                                                                                                             016-2017 Mrs Loconte

The Content:
Welcome to your final year of High School English! This year will fulfill your expectations of English in that we will study non-fiction, novels, drama, poetry, and short stories. We will also work to improve your essay writing and prepare for the English provincial exam. There will be a departure from the usual approach to studying English in that we will study one themed unit per term where each selected piece with have one specific theme as its focus.  While short stories and poetry will be peppered throughout each term, we will study a novel in term 1 and a play in term 2. We will always strive to approach each work from a biblical perspective. A reading list will be provided for each unit.

The Student:
Your active participation will make the difference between a dull or dynamic class. You will need to have a journal and duo tang for this class, in addition to your regular class learning materials.  All assignments are due at the start of class—10% daily otherwise. Additionally, refer to the Works Cited page of your planner for proper citation of all secondary sources as all plagiarized work will receive a 0 without the opportunity for redos.  Lastly, you will be part of Literature Circles in which all reading and meetings will take place outside of class.

The Weighting:
Course                                     60%
Provincial                               40%

The Evaluation:
Test                                         20%
Essay writing                          20%
Quiz                                        15%
Project                                     15%
Writing Assignment               10%
Journal writing                       10%
Thoughtful participation          5%
Homework check                      5%

The Resources:
Perrine’s Literature Textbook
Othello- William Shakespeare
1984- George Orwell
Various handouts on non-fiction, grammar & usage, provincial preparation


Syllabus for Grad Transitions

Christian Studies                                                                                                    2016-2017                                                                          Module 1 Sept 12- Oct 11
                                                                                                             Module 2 Oct 12- Nov 7

Graduation Transitions

The Course:

The Graduation Transitions module of the Christian Studies 12 course, in conjunction with the objectives of the BC Ministry of Education’s Career and Personal Planning program, aims to prepare students for graduation and to examine transitional issues and aspects of life after high school in a distinct Christian worldview.  You will gain a better understanding of God’s will and calling for your lives and use your discernment to explore and research post-secondary educational opportunities and career paths.  You will be guided through the process of school and job applications and be given the tools to pursue these areas.  You will also learn more about budgeting, financial planning, and avenues for financial aid and scholarships.  Finally, you will begin work on your Graduation Portfolio with the support of your peers until the end of the semester.  The theme throughout this course, “Leaving to Discover”, reflects the purpose of Graduation Transitions: to challenge and enable you to identify and develop your unique gifts and skills to serve in the world, to help discern God’s calling for your life, and to ground your decisions and values, in terms of career, education, and post-secondary life, in biblical principles.  


As with all Carver Christian Studies modules, the objectives for this course are:

1.      To develop and deepen an understanding of the Bible.
2.      To apply Biblical principles in everyday life and in a variety of contexts.
3.      To articulate Christian worldview.  

Specifically for Graduation Transitions, the objectives are:

  1. To develop a deeper understanding of the biblical principles to guide our discernment of God’s will for our lives.
  2. To identify and use our gifts to make decisions and plan for our future to influence and serve in the world.
  3. To reflect upon and articulate one’s faith and role as a servant leader in the world.

In the next four weeks we will cover the following:

·         Discerning God’s call for your life
·         Post-Secondary education
·         Career Exploration and The Workplace
·         Financial Planning and Aid
·         Graduation Portfolio

Course Textbook and Resources:

  • The Holy Bible
  • Career and Personal Planning 11 to 12.  British Columbia Ministry of Education, 1997 (adapted in 2008).  Web.  12 September 2011.  
  • Horne, Rick.  Life-Shaping Decisions: Applying God’s Word to Career Planning.  Colorado Springs: ACSI/Purposeful Design Publication, 2002.  Print.
  • Perspectives:  Getting an Inside Look at Post-Secondary.  British Columbia Ministry of Education.  Print.
  • Program Guide for Graduation Transitions.  British Columbia Ministry of Education, June 2008.  Web.  12 September 2011.
  • Select media and resources.


Class participation (preparedness, effort, productivity, readings, discussions, homework, etc.) 20%
Assignments and journals                            20%
Graduation Transition Plans (progress)  20%
Graduation Portfolio (progress)                                20%
Graduation Portfolio Mock Presentation 10%
Reflection Assignment                                  10%

*This marking scheme may be adjusted.

Lastly, reminders~
1. Please be punctual!  
2. Please participate!  
3. Please be respectful of and to others.
4. Please keep your phones in your lockers or put them in the class phone holder.

5. Please be responsible for your own work and marks.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


English 12

Please read The Most Dangerous Game!
8th Ed: p 57
9th Ed: p 67

or here

There are no questions to complete.

Course outline will be in your inbox.

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