Thursday, May 13, 2010

The sun was all up in our biz-nass

and it was glorious!

English 12

Presentations today were well done and interesting.
I think I only heard two OT references (Genesis & Daniel), wondered why...any thoughts?

HW read a whole 1 page of ch.6 for 1984 and answer questions.

Socials 11

This class was all over the map today from Danzel bugging Richa (aww) and not wanting a textbook (shocking) to the Filipino ladies being ALL OVER those Loco bucks.

We shall conclude chapter 7 tomorrow and review it. There will be a test on Monday.

HW second last set of Activities: all.


  1. I think that for my group (poor and enemies) the reactions given in the OT were a lot different from what Jesus said to do. In Psalm 137 the writer wishes for his enemies kids brains to be spilled. Thats a little bit different from "love your neighbour."

    I think the same thing applied to other groups as well. For example I think Jesus was really specific with how we are to treat the government. I think that Exodus has good examples of that as well though.

    I suppose people just instinctively resort to the NT more.

  2. our group did as well. we reffered to psalms :D


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