Thursday, April 12, 2018

Hail, Rain, Sunshine...Vancouver


Complete your Grafitti Poem for Monday.
Complete 21 and 22 (first two poems in your poetry package) for Monday as well.


We will have a quiz on everything after the Italian Campaign until the end of the chapter on Monday.
Sarah April 23 presentation.
Last day for Dunkirk review will be Monday.


Lines memorized up to page 54 for Monday.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Homework for tonight (cool post topic not included)


Pages 156 all questions
and 159 1, 2, 4.


Quiz on Act 1 tomorrow.
Be sure to finish reading all of scene 3. No questions


Self and cast reflection due tomorrow

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Crazy Rain and Crazy Sun (in a few hours)


Finish Vocab Sheet 5.


Complete all questions on page 159.


Due tomorrow: costume inventory.

Monday, April 9, 2018

4-Day Weeks Make me feel like

Image result for i want more gif


You need to read Act 1 scene 2 of Julius Caesar and complete all the questions for that scene. Try your best, as we'll review it tomorrow if you missed something. Be sure to read the side margins as they are quite helpful.
Don't forget your graffiti poem is due next Monday.


You have only a few remaining hours to complete your project for WWII. Don't forget I want you to submit your presentation slides to me via email but I want a paper copy of your 'works cited' handed in to me TOMORROW.
Don't forget you can watch Dunkirk and do a one page review for bonus marks on your chapter 6 test but if you do this, it should come in to me by next Monday latest.


See Friday's post

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