Saturday, December 14, 2019

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

"Work Work Work Work" Rihanna

English 12
Finish reading the rest of scenes 1 and 2 of Othello and answer the questions.

Presentations due next Thursday.

Christian Studies
Capstones due next Wednesday. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Christmas songs on repeat

English 12
We are back in Othello so please read up to approximately line 175 (enter Othello)
and answer the necessary questions in your 1/2 notebook.
Narrative essays due at the earliest date on December 20th.

Socials 11
Read up to page 412 and answer 1 and 3.

Christian Studies
Mock presentation of the Capstone project will happen next Wednesday. Be ready.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Last Two Weeks of School This Year Countdown Has Begun. Cue Epic Music

Finish reading The Rocking Horse Winner
Answer 2,3,5,6
Your soft due date of your narrative essay is Dec. 20

Answer questions 1 and 2a,b on page 408 for tomorrow.
"100 and Change" is due next Thursday.

Christian Studies
Tomorrow we will wrap up a discussion on The Word of God
being inspired and then you will have time to WORK ON
your capstone project.
I have noticed time given but not taken for this task.
Fo-KUS! people!

PS Christmas cards for the domestically challenged are due tomorrow = )

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