Quiz for grade 11 English tomorrow on Act 2 (and complete the handout on commas, etc.
Rough draft for grade 12 English due tomorrow.
Chapter 5 for CS 12 due tomorrow.
Quiz for grade 11 English tomorrow on Act 2 (and complete the handout on commas, etc.
Rough draft for grade 12 English due tomorrow.
Chapter 5 for CS 12 due tomorrow.
Chapter four has been read and we await its presentation.
Yet, we still march ever onward with no delay or hesitation.
Chapter five is the next episode when we go "Live" tomorrow,
and we will do four tomorrow, even if time we have to borrow.
So ensure questions are completed, but for chapter four only.
I'll even drop a marble, that jar's been neglected, it's lonely.
This is for my CS class, in case the above was unclear,
Now onto English 11 & 12, where both discuss Shakespeare.
Elevens have a journal now and a quiz (the second of December),
Twelves have a break tonight, but that essay's on Friday, remember?
English 11
completes scenes 1 and 2 for HW.
English 12
Rough draft due Friday.
CS 12
Complete ch. 3 questions.
https://docs.google.com/forms/ d/e/ 1FAIpQLSe1M3GzPklD1McmcoxQGB6R RsnFpmz3rSSqQqwysu7KsvuSTA/ viewform?usp=sf_link