Friday, May 6, 2022

Friday, Yeeooosss!!

 Philosophy 12

Read up to page 367 (top) and complete these 5 review questions:

1. How does Kuhn believe scientific development advances and how does this idea differ from how we used to view scientific progress?
2. What are Kuhn's three interconnected concepts?
3. In your own words, explain a 'scientific revolution'.
4. What are 'paradigms'?
5. What is 'normal science'?
English 10
Complete the review handout and questions from 13 to end.
Quiz on Act 4 Monday.
English 11
Complete your final version of Blackout Poetry if you so desire. Quiz on Act 1 due Monday.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Rain, Rain, Go Away

 English 10

Act 4 Quiz on Monday

English 11

Act 1 Quiz on Monday

Finish your Blackout Poems.

Philosophy 12

Read up to page 356.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

The Day the 10s went Rogue

 English 10

Okay, we got some catching up to do:

We will take our poetry quiz tomorrow.

We will talk about the 4 podcasts we listened to.

We will check the homework for scenes 1 & 2 of Act 4. 

We will finish Act 4.

God willing!

English 11

So you got a bit of work for tomorrow:

1. handout on transitions in a paragraph

2. Snippet (journal #1--keep all these together, hand in at the end of the term).

3. Complete the 3 questions for scene 7.

Philosophy 12

Read the introductory section of Philosophy of Science- not the part on Francis Bacon.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Half Day!

 Philosophy 12

Slides for Phil of Relig.

English 11

Read and complete questions for scene 5.

English 10

Complete questions for scenes 1 and 2 of Act 4.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Student Council, Anyone?

 English 10

Listen, and take notes to these podcasts. We will talk about how each one is different tomorrow.

Poetry Quiz on Wednesday! It will be a mix of examples and definitions. Here is what you did.

Wakelet provided by Mrs. P found Here

English 11

Read the rest of scene 4 and answer questions for Macbeth for tomorrow. 

Complete the second Euphemism handout.

Philosophy 12

Finish reading the package: Kant's Resolution to the Empiricist/ Rationalist Debate.

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