Thursday, December 21, 2017

Canine Colony = Carver


Some of you have been wanting to do the bonus assignment (performing lines)
For Hamlet lines, I will post them below. For Othello, I have many handouts in my class, feel to grab one tomorrow. Please sign up in the comments box below so as to not have any repeats.
Also, just check in with me that the lines posted are, in fact, the right ones, if you think they are a little off. When I put them together I may have used a different published version than the one you currently have.
I have assigned no homework over the break but there are a few things to keep in mind.
>Othello: expect to have a quiz on Wednesday for Act 4.
>Hamlet: the same goes for you.
If you are doing ANY bonus assignment let's get those done by the first Friday back.

1.1  Horatio  line 80 
1.1  Horatio  line 115
1.2  Claudius  line 1
1.2  Claudius  line 87
1.2  Hamlet  line 129
1.3  Laertes  line 11
1.5  Ghost  line 44
2.2  Hamlet  line 278
2.2  Hamlet  line 395
2.2  Player 1  line 426
2.2  Hamlet  line 500
3.1  Hamlet  line 1
3.1  Hamlet  line 119, 131 & 136
3.2  Hamlet  line 14
3.2  Hamlet  line 46
3.2  Player King line 167
3.3  Claudius  line 36
3.4  Hamlet  line 53

4.4  Hamlet  line 32

Christian Studies
Live with Lewis goes "on air' the first Friday back. Reminder I need your notes the day before just to proof read that you have covered all necessary points. Remember to look your part and rehearse ahead of time so as to seem natural on stage.
Tuesday: The Practical Penitent
Wednesday: The Practical Conclusion
Thursday: Quiz and The Three parts of Morality.
Thursday: project time.
Friday: The Cardinal Virtues.

And now a word from our sponsor: Kill Shakespeare?

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Electricity (or lack thereof): It Gets the Job Done!

Despite our (sorta) Snow Day, we still have homework. It is as follows:

Christian Studies
Chapter 2 of book 2 + questions

Othello- finish 4.2
Hamlet- finish 4.4

Last Week of Twenty Seventeen


Read Act 4, scene 1 until you get to 'enter Bianca'; answer all appropriate questions.
Read Act 4, scenes 1-4 until about line 30; answer all appropriate questions.

Christian Studies

Read chapter 1 of book 2. Do the questions (Emma). 😉

Friday, December 15, 2017

1 Week to Go


Hamlet: Act 3 Quiz and  "Ambition is like Choler"
Othello: "Ambition is like Choler"

Christian Studies

Quiz on Book 1

Thursday, December 14, 2017

The Day when the School was Awash with Tacky Christmas Sweaters!

Christian Studies

Chapter 4 + questions
chapter 4 CSDoodle


C block--read The Visit and do the multiple choice questions
B blcok--complete you journal response for Act 3 and the quiz for this Act in on Monday.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Guess what day it is!

Half way there, guys!

Christian Studies

If you want to watch the videos again for chapters one and two of Book 1.
They are here. Be sure to complete all questions for both chapters and be sure to bring a journal for an in class writing topic tomorrow.

You are reading Scene 4 until the ghost exists the scene.
You are doing journal #5 (act 3) respond to the ideas, characters, lines, or anything else that strikes you as interesting/significant. Remember to write for 10 minutes

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Lewis and Shakespeare = Happy Place


Othello: Quiz on Act 3 tomorrow
Journal entry on Act 3 also due soon.
Hamlet: read 3.2 until Horatio and Hamlet are alone on the stage (after the play); complete the appropriate questions.

Christian Studies

Read the Preface of Mere Christianity and answer the study guide questions.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Sun is Shining...but it's Freezing


Hamlet: Act 2 quiz tomorrow.
Othello: answer 2-5 in Young Goodman Brown

Christian Studies

No hw...

Monday, December 4, 2017

Be kind. We got enough mean people!


Hamlet: read until the end of scene 2 when hamlet is alone on the stage.
Othello: finish reading Young Goodman Brown. Provide your own theme statement.

No hw

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Wednesday, November 29, 2017



B block: Answer the m/c questions to Wordsmith
C block: Act 2.1 + questions

Christian Studies

Find two theses of Martin's 95 and set to provide a verse that supports it. It's a tricky read so if you can't do this 100% it's okay. I am looking for effort only.
Quiz Friday: Liddell to Luther.
This website gives a pretty clear breakdown of each thesis but if it doesn't work for you, feel free to find your own useful website. I will have paper copies tomorrow as well.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Chapel under Construction?

C block: you are reading Gold Mountain Coat in your Family and Relationships package and doing the m/c questions.
B block: you are completing the homework questions that C block did yesterday (see yesterday's post).

Christian Studies
Write a newsletter. See yesterday's blogpost for access to slides. Homework is outlined in greater detail there.

Monday, November 27, 2017

4 Weeks till Christmas Today!


If you are B block, you are reading the first 100 paragraphs of The Rocking Horse Winner.
If you are C block, you are completing The Rocking Horse Winner and answering 2, 3, 5, 6.
Everybody has a narrative essay tomorrow.

Christian Studies

Finish your journal #3 if you did not do so in class. This is all. Biblios due in two days.
Power Point Slides

Friday, November 24, 2017

Define the official Christmas Season...

Both classes are reading chapter 6 (symbol, allegory, and fantasy)
Not all of the chapter intro reading is relevant so read the first page and until the last paragraph (here it talks about A Worn Path). Skip over 4 pages until you get half way down the page to where it begins "The ability to recognize and identify symbols requires..."
That is all kind of confusing but if you are in the 9th edition you are reading pages 274-275 and picking it back up on page 279 to the end. You are answering all questions at the end except #3.
Hamlet students you have a quotes quiz on Monday.
Narrative Essay due Tuesday for both classes.

Christian Studies
If you haven't finished reading The Cost of Discipleship--chapter 2, do that and write 5 summary points.
Remember your annotated bibliography is also due next week.

See you all Monday!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Hump Day...easy sailing ahead

Christian Studies
Finish reading chapter 2 of The Cost of Discipleship and complete 5 main points for this chapter.
Come to class tomorrow prepared to work on your project for both shortened blocks.

Othello-ites- you have a quiz tomorrow.
Hamlet-onians- you are completing all questions for scenes 4 & 5 (you have a quiz Monday).

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Be in the world but not of it...

Christian Studies

Tomorrow we will be learning about Dietrich Bonhoeffer. As for tonight there is no pre-reading for him. But use the time to prepare for you project.


Hamlet: Read 1.3 + questions
Othello: Finish the last portion of scene 3 + questions. You will have a quiz on Thursday.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Another short work!

B block: you are doing the questions for 1.2.
C block: you are doing 1-7 in your questions and reading in 1.3 until Rodrigo and Iago are in the scene alone.

Christian Studies
You are reading Aquinas' Summa. Read all pages above the horizontal lines (so no footnotes) and read the whole package. It may be a bit of a challenging read but do the best you can! We will discuss it all tomorrow.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Friday's Got me Like...

Image result for excited meme


Othello'ers Act 1 scene 2 and questions
Hamlet'ers  Act 1 scene 1 and questions


Watch the video on Eric Liddell and asnwer the questions for Monday
Please go to the October 18th post for all you need.
Remember to complete entry #2 for your journal. I am not checking this, but it needs to be done by module's end.
Important due dates:
Nov 29--annotated bibliography
Dec 4--Presentation due

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Bananas in Pajamas


Block C: Act 1 Scene 1 of Othello. Journal #2
Block B: Journal #1 (see yesterday's blog post)

Christian Studies

Know everything from Augustine to Lewis for the quiz tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Pod Cast

Podcasts are cool
Matter of fact they rule!
Don't be a fool--
To deny yourself is cruel!
Consider them a teaching tool,
and a bonus for school!

If you are in b block you have no homework...but you will have to do (pay attention now block 'c'ers)
Journal Entry #1. Listen to This Podcast from the CBC and then answer the title question for your first journal response. It's only 19+ minutes, so put in your earbuds, go for a run/wash the dishes/clean your room and then wax eloquently in your journal to start off our discussion on the relevance of Willie Shakes.

Christian Studies

Listen to Just Thinking by Ravi Zachariah at Pick any one podcast by clicking on an archived title that appeals to you. Summarize the points of your selection to share with the class tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

"Thought police strike again..."

English 12 Students!
I saw this headline in my news-feed the day after we finished 1984:
National Post News
Read Paul's Case tonight. That's right. Read it. Just read it. But seriously, read the thing!

Christian Studies
You, fine students, are reading and listening to The Almost Christian by John Wesley. Then you are are to compare today's sermons to this old 200+ year old sermon.
Check the powerpoint for the audio version:
The Link

Sunday, November 12, 2017

A Prolonged Weekend

Christian Studies
Complete the questions for bk II of Augustine's Confessions.

Read Ch. 5 of Perrine's Literature. Answer 1-4.
Please be sure consider narrative essays for any 4 of the topics listed on the handout.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017



See yesterday's post.

Christian Studies

Who in your community (define community as you wish) is a Christian whose faithful living you would like to emulate?
Give reasons why.

(Of course, this question presupposes you know an inspiring Christian. If you really do not, give reasons why you don’t know such a person and state whether you will take steps to ensure you know one from here on out)

*Remember all entries are to be 10 minutes worth of writing.

Research Project

Please note the two more names I have added to the list:
D.L Moody
George Whitefield
This brings us to 26 individuals to research.
Sign up any time tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Module 3

English 12

1984 Test: Thursday
Journals: Thursday

Christian Studies 10-12

Final Essay: Tuesday 21st

Friday, November 3, 2017


Image result for fridays be like meme


CHAPTER 3. chapter 4.
do not do any NO MORE.
(did i even have to mention?)


nothin' to do but study for a quiz
you better 'kill' it, n show me you're a whizz.
know each christian and THEIR PLACE IN TIME,
MAKE IT WORTH me putting this into a rhyme.

power point

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

November 1st ushers in the (commercial) Christmas Season!

Christian Studies

Why Billy Graham: pages 15-22

Answer the question posed in class: why was Billy Graham so successful for his time?
Powerpoint, to view video on a 1950s BG crusade.
Please read AND watch before writing your paragraph


Pt III, chapter 1 + questions

Thursday, October 26, 2017

T'was the Night before Ignite

Christian Studies

Projects are due tomorrow. Be sure to hand in your annotated bibliography and all related material.
There will be a quiz Monday on Eric Liddell to Martin Luther.
Here is the powerpoint to help you review.


Quiz Friday for part 2 of Nineteen Eighty Four
If you ain't prepared don't even show up at my door.
Not trying to scare you or freak you out,
but showing up unprepared is not what English 12's about.
If you're 'over' Big Brother and hating this novel,
I can't make you like it by now and won't grovel.
It's almost all over; the final scene's left to play,
So hang in tight: soon 'Eighty Four will go away.
But until then you've got a journal to get done.
Be sure to complete it before the setting of the sun. 

Journal topic #5
Compose 3 sentences that might constitute a thoughtcrime in our school, community, or country. Suggest certain situations in the world today where committing a thoughtcrime (speaking the truth) has serious consequences.

Read "The Ones who Walk away from Omelas" for Monday. There are no questions, but it is a long story so break it up into manageable chunks for you. You can find this story in the handout at the beginning of the year or, very likely, online.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Beauty of a Smile

Today and Yesterday, I shared a devotion on 'The Smile'.
I remembered watching this video a while back where a student conducted an experiment in her school.
I watched it with the sound off (it was one of those videos on my Facebook feed) I was struck by how beautiful everyone was when they smiled; their smile totally changed their faces for the better. If you have the time, you can watch the video here. I suggest you do as I did and watch it on mute. It made all the difference to me...and it would seem that so do kind gestures to lots of people.

Christian Studies
Today you were briefly introduced to Elisabeth Elliot. One of the things Elisabeth did with her life was write a bi-monthly newsletter for almost 20 years.
You are to read her first ever newsletter tonight. Please just read the first article about contexts and also read the second last newsletter. The first article in that one is about restlessness and worry.

Tonight you are to write a newsletter of 500 words max on a topic of your choosing. It should be something that can help, edify, teach, or bless your peers. Be sure to use at least one quote (from the Bible and other famous writers). You can use an anecdotal story like contexts does, if you wish. It does not need to be in newsletter format. Submit tomorrow.
Remember also to write 5 questions that stem from all we have learned and/or done in this module so far.

No homework

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Read up to page 191. Questions 1-10 for chapter 8 and 1-3 for chapter 9.

Christian Studies
Provide 10 summary points for the total reading on chapters one and two of The Cost of Discipleship.

Monday, October 23, 2017

When Ignite Prep is Upon Us

Image result for not ready meme

Christian Studies

Do not worry about completing any questions for tonight's reading, just do you best to get through the readings.


Chapter 7 of 1984.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Long Weekend Here We Come!

Christian Studies

Check yesterday's blog post for the video and questions that need to be completed for Monday.
Reminder that next Friday your presentations are done.


Write/create/make/do a response to Writer's Fest. If you were not present, do the same thing except change your destination (so yours is about where you were).
If you are in C block, you will need to have chapter 5 and 6 questions for 1984 completed for Monday as well.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Rainy Season

Christian Studies

Watch this video starting at 15:27. Because I won't be teaching you until next Monday, you have until then to watch the entire video. It will be an hour of your time (but well worth it, I think).
Please ensure you come to class on Monday and complete the following questions.

1. What did D. P. Thomson ask Eric to do? Why? Why did Eric call it "the bravest thing he did in his life"?
2. How does the movie Chariots of Fire differ from the actual events surrounding Eric in qualifying for the 1924 Olympics?
3. How old was Eric when he won the gold medal for the 400m?
4. What did Eric do in Tientsen at the Anglo-Chinese College?
5. What was the problem of getting Florence to be his wife?
6. Why did Florence leave to Toronto?
7. What did Eric do in Siaochang?
8. Why did Eric move to Weihsien?
9. How did Eric die?
10. His daughter, Patricia, reflects on why Eric was not allowed by God to leave China. Why does she believe Eric needed to stay in the prison camp?

Answer the questions for chapters 5 and 6 (so you will have to read the chapters necessarily).

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Blowing Wind, Driving Rain, Glorious Sun

Christian Studies

There is a quiz tomorrow on everything up to today. Check yesterday's slides of our class powerpoint for a study guide to the quiz as I will be constructing my quiz based on it and the handouts/ class discussions.

Also, remember to bring your journal as we will be doing journal entry #2 in class tomorrow.


Three things need to be brought for tomorrow.  (passive sentence)
You will need to bring three things for tomorrow:
1. Homework for 1984 (chapter 4 questions).
2. Your good copy (printed out) attached to your rough copy from yesterday's writing assignment.
3. Your permission form for Thursday's field trip.

Monday, October 16, 2017

4 Day Week


Read The Coddling of America. Write a half page max response dealing with the following topic: How are we as Christians to speak the truth while being mindful not to be offensive? Is it possible? Is it necessary? Respond thoughtful and cite your sources where necessary.

Christian Studies

Listen to an audio file from RZIM ministries. Write a summary on your chosen topic. Be sure to include the title and date of your selection.


Friday, October 13, 2017

Cool Teacher


Do chapter two questions. Chapter 3 read and do questions.
Journal #4 needs to be completed for those of you who were absent of Friday.
Reminder to bring back your permission forms for Writer's Fest: Monday.

Christian Studies

Read the sermon 2 and compare/contrast it to today's modern church sermons.
Research project due October 27.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Hot Classroom

Christian Studies

13. Augustine lists different types of sin and what each one seeks to achieve by committing the act. Provide the object of desire for each: pride, ambition, cruelty (two parts), curiosity (not a sin), sloth, luxury, prodigality (wasteful spending in excess), envy, anger, fear, grief.

Page 29

14. What does Augustine say God’s grace is responsible for?


Chapter 1 (part 2) and questions.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Welcome back (to my back)


1. Read Chapter Four "Theme" and complete all questions.

Christian Studies

1. Journal entry #1
Who in your community (define community as you wish) is a Christian whose faithful living you would like to emulate?
Give reasons why.
(Of course, this question presupposes you know an inspiring Christian. If you really do not, give reasons why you don’t know such a person and state whether you will take steps to ensure you know one from here on out)

*Remember all entries are to be 10 minutes worth of writing.Who in your c

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Happy Giving of Thanks!


For Wednesday, you need to read Orwell's Politics and the English Language and take physical note of 5 points of summary.

Christian Studies

Be sure to read up to chapter 13 for Tuesday's class. We will finish the book and close the module.
Reminder final essay is due on the 23rd.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Cooler mornings are upon us!

Christian Studies

Finish reading chapter 9 and answer #1 in your questions.
Audio version with cool Scottish accent. 1:13 starts the chapter.


Quiz on Part I tomorrow.
If you have magazines, scissors, and glue please bring those in tomorrow.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Short Week, Long Weekend!


Read up to page 99 of 1984 for tomorrow. There will be a quiz on Part II this Wednesday.

Christian Studies

Read chapter 8 and fill in the chart for a 'well dressed ghost'.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Hello Friday, Goodbye Summer!

We went from 30 degrees when I left school on Thursday to 16 on Friday, humph.


Couple quizzes to be on the lookout for:
Editing and Proofreading and Part 1 of 1984--expect those next week.
Tonight (or before Monday) read chapter 7 and answer all questions for chapters 6 & 7 for 1984.
Please also remember to bring a journal to class on Monday.

Christian Studies

Read chapters 5-7 of The Great Divorce, fill in the character profiles of each ghost, answer the questions for chapters 1-4, and remember that the final deadline for your midterm project is this Monday.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Mrs Loconte, I'm not going to be here tomorrow...


Read chapter 5 of 1984 answer 6-10.

Christian Studies

Read Chapter 1 and 2 of The Great Divorce. Although I didn't say it in class, please answer questions too.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Running for The Cure!


Read 1984 chapter 4 + questions.

Christian Studies

Read up to the 4th page of Human Pain (end of 1st paragraph).
Answer 1-3 in the questions.
Subjectivism article online, as referred to in class a few days ago, if you are interested.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Fire Drills Save Lives...


Finish your in-class journal entry if you did not do so in class and read chapter 3 of '1984' (questions included).

Christian Studies

Finish answering the questions for 'After Priggerry, What?'.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Last week of September...and yes, I have seen Christmas decor at the Mall


Complete all of the questions assigned at the end of chapter 1 and 2 for 1984. That being said, ensure you read those chapters also!

Christian Studies

Answer the last question of The Poison of Subjectivism and read After Priggery, What?. Define Priggery, which will allow you to answer #1 of the homework questions for that essay.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Enjoy the Last Day of Summer : (

Write a 10 minute timed response to any one statement, poem, or article in the handout given at the end of today's class. This is journal #1 for our novel study of 1984.

Christian Studies
Quiz tomorrow on Work and Prayer, The Laws of Nature, The Grand Miracle, We Have No 'Right to Happiness'.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

You Voted Today, The Results are In, Now Support your Elected Representatives.

Christian Studies

Complete 4-8 of the questions for The Grand Miracle.


Read Characterization (the Chapter Intro for Chapter Three)
Answer 1-4.
Page 162 (9th ed)

Monday, September 18, 2017

Day 10


Read Humor and Irony on page 334 or 337 answer 1-4 which are not in the 8th edition.
1. Distinguish between verbal irony and dramatic irony.
2. Define the term "irony of situation".
3. Explore the reasons why sentimentality is an undesirable trait in literary fiction.
4. List the major characteristics of sentimental writing.

Christian Studies

Answer 1-3 of the questions for The Grand Miracle.
Remember that your outline is due this Thursday for your midterm project, be sure to hand something in.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Enjoy your first fully earned weekend off this school year!

Christian Studies:

Read only The Grand Miracle. It needs a close reading so we will go over it again in class. Please be diligent and read it over once to familiarize yourself with it.


Read (or finish reading) The Guest. PDF version is found in yesterday's blog post. Answer 3-7 at the end of the story in your textbook.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Bard was Beautiful!

For those of you who enjoyed The Most Dangerous Game, why not watch it here!

Read The Guest. This is not due for Friday (tomorrow) but we will be reading if you want to get a jump start, go ahead.

Christian Studies
Read only The Laws of Nature.
Upcoming due dates:
21st: rough draft
29th: early submission of midterm
Oct. 2 final date for submission

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Cloudy with a chance of...

Christian Studies
Here is a video of today's in class reading if you want to hear it again. Complete all questions and prepare for a short quiz on everything read so far.


Read Plot and Structure of Chapter 2 in the textbook.
If you do not have a textbook, paper copies have been photocopied for you. Find me.
Only those who do not have a textbook will get a photocopy version, one is not available for students who do not feel like taking their textbook home.
Answer all questions at the end of the reading for THURSDAY.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Lovely Fall Monday!

Christian Studies

You are completing the questions for "The Trouble with X"
and completing Journal #2:
In a 10 minute-timed entry, examine yourself and discuss your own ‘fatal flaw’. It may be the same as 'the sin with which you struggle' or it may be something else. Attempt to justify it or not and state HOW it’s a problem for you and if you are trying to solve it.
Read The Destructors. Online you can find it here:  or in your textbook.
Answer the following questions:
1. Who is the protagonist in the story--Trevor, Blackie, or the gang? Who or what is that antagonist? Identify the conflicts in the story.
2. How is suspense created?
4. Discuss the gangs motivations, taking into account (a) the age and beauty of the house, (b) Blackie's reasons for not going home after losing his position of leadership, (c) the seriousness with which the boys work at their task, and their loss of concern over the leadership, (d) the burning of the pound notes, (e) their consideration for Old Misery, (f) the lorry driver's reaction. What characters do the gang's two names exploits--pinching free rides and destroying the house--having in common?
5. Of what significance, if any, is the setting of this story in blitzed London? Does the story have anything to say about the consequences of war? About the causes of war?
8. On the surface this is a story of action, suspense, and adventure. at a deeper level it is about delinquency, war, and human nature, Try to sum up what the story says about human nature in general.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Here's to your first day of many 1 hour classes!

Christian Studies

Tonight you are completing the essay Xmas and Christmas and answer the questions emailed to you in your Carvermail (if you don't have access to your Carvermail yet, I have also emailed a copy to your parents).


Read Chapter 1: Reading the Story and answer #1-5 for Monday.
1. Differentiate between commercial and literary fiction.
2. Explain the purposes of literary fiction.
3. Review the different types of short stories.
4. Describe the best way to read a short story for the purpose of serious study.
5. List the differing expectations we bring to the reading of commercial and literary fiction.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

First Day of Last Year

Image result for welcome

Christian Studies

Read An Unforgettable Night (chapter 8 in the duotag) and answer this question:
How did C.S. Lewis’s chapter on Pride impact Colson’s life?


Read The Most Dangerous Game

p.s. remember to bring back all forms for all upcoming field trips.

Friday, June 23, 2017

"Mommy, it's over!"

Said no high school student ever at the end of June.


The following students have not returned their books. If you feel your name is on this list in error, please let me know on Monday when you write your test.


Ryan 2
Anton 5
Josh 14
Vipin 8
Paige 10
Peiyi 12
Esmond 15
Kristie 16
Charissa 18
Thomson 21
Naomi 26

Animal Farm 


Inside Story

Vipin 11
Serome A2
Keileen KP

Cndn Essay

Ryan 2
Evan 3
Anton 5
Josh 7
Vipin 8
Peiyi 12
Serome 13
Esmond 15
Calen 17
Thomson 21
Tom 30

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Here is the link to the power point I showed at the end of the novel 451 F:
451 F


Bring in last minute props and don't forget to review your lines!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Last remaining hours of teaching




The following students are missing marks.
Please see me to fill in the blanks by Wednesday!


Bring all outstanding props and costuming for tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

On Hawaiian Day, we should eat pizza. You know what kind!


What's your opinion?

Vocab quiz: Tuesday.
Short Stories: Monday.
Writing response to 451F: Tomorrow.


Read up to page 343 and answer 1, 2, 4, 5

Monday, June 12, 2017

I. see. the. end!


Scenes one and two need to be memorized for tomorrow


Read up to page 150
(answer appropriate questions)


Complete  2 & 3 on page 334

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Rain reigned


Read up to page 126 and answer the corresponding questions.
Bring in any newspapers you have.


Test tomorrow. Study well.
Remember to get in those campus tour forms.


Working on props and other related items for our final performance.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Keepin' it Cazh!


Tonight you done section II and completing all relevant questions as well as finishing today's in class assignment on quotes.





Tuesday, June 6, 2017

When it hits a high of 31!

English students, you are reading to the bottom of page 96. Do the questions that apply please.

Socials students you are reading to page 317 and answering 2-9 please.

Monday, June 5, 2017

A little late to be posting

but English students are you completing Vocab 13 and reading to the end of page 68...Socials students you are reading up to page 211 and completing 1-3.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Sun's out for Friday!


104 page 309


Quiz Monday on Part 1
Finish Part 1


We will resume our scripts on Monday

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Cottonwood: coming to a classroom near you!


What a class today. You had to be there. We passed a law-actually you passed a law (to my chagrin).
Complete 2-5 on page 307.
Um...signed tests!?


Read up to the end of page 56
Answer 5-9.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Looking for that Silver Lining


Hey all, glad to see most of you read 451F. Please continue reading up to page 24 (where the line break occurs).


Read up to page 296 and answer 2,3,4.


We have a loose plot for our final play. Please bring your thinking caps tomorrow to play write.

Monday, May 29, 2017

It's like a Sauna in here...but who's complaining?


Let's read Fahrenheit 451. Read up to page 18 and answer 1-5 on the Short Answer Study Guide.
If you are going to do some line memorization for a 1% bonus on your report card, that will be due this Friday. Remember to be in costume. Hoping some of you take up this offer. I love a good performance.


Read up to page 294 in Chapter 9.


If you did not hand in a paper copy of your research paper--do that tomorrow!

Friday, May 26, 2017

Friday! Gloria! Sun!


Quiz Monday: Everything in chapter 8 after the quiz C.
No practice questions but consider reviewing the last practice questions for review purposes.
Chapter 7 returned tests are due.
Historical Fiction due dates are also still upcoming. Know your date, please.


Prepare for Monday's in class Essay or Test.


At ease, you performed well. See you Monday for a big check-in, debrief and final project: Masque it!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Gloria Tomorrow!


Complete the roman numerals handout and also make sure that you bring your essay topics tomorrow. We will discuss essay writing.
Here is the video I said I would post for a : )


Read up to page 270 and answer 1-4 (2-6) and up to page 273 and answer 1-4


Be sure to bring ALL YOU NEED for tomorrow.
Final rehearsal tomorrow from 2-3:30.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Blow, Wind, Blow!


Review pages 262 to 267 for tomorrow's quiz.


Finish last three questions of Julius Caesar (Act 5, scene 5)


Bring your props, costumes and lines for tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

No Spring, Cut Straight to Summer!


Act 5.2 + questions


Quiz tomorrow. Everything after today's quiz and everything before the two failed accords.


Props and costuming and line memorization for tomorrow!

Friday, May 19, 2017

When you Hit Save instead of Publish

Hey all,

I was told I didn't blog yesterday...thought was weird but when I checked, yup, there it was--just in my saved posts. Sorry...and how annoying. (My bad, Leah!!)


Quiz Tuesday for Vocab #11.
Monday 29th Essay for Caesar due, it's an in class essay. Do your brainstorm and preparing ahead of time.
Read Act 5.1 plus questions for Tuesday.


If you got your work done in class, you have not homework but if not you are to complete 1 and 2 if you only have two questions in your textbook or 1 and 4 if you have four questions in your textbook. BTW page 267.
Quiz on everything up to page 250 for chapter 8 on Tuesday too.


Monologues are due on Tuesday. Please bring in costuming and props.

Epic Rap Battles of History? Bring it!


Complete 1-7 on page 264


Finish last two questions of Act IV scene iii. Quiz on Act 4 tomorrow.


Bring field trip form for tomorrow and have all of your monologue memorized by TUESDAY!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Hump Day, it never gets old!


Complete 1, 2, 4, 6 on page 256. Signed tests. UBC & Trinity reflections.


Read up to "Enter Titinius and Mesalla" in Act 4 Scene 3 and complete the questions. 


Our Prop Box and Monologues need to be fuller. Help me, help you!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Faith 150!


Chapter 8 is here! Last one of the first unit. Complete the first set of practice questions in chapter 8 (page 248) 1-3, 5, 6, 8.
Signed tests need to be returned. I will stand by my statement that bonus marks will be given to those who return every test given.


Finish reading Act 4 (scenes one and two) and up to page 52.
Answer the following questions:

1. Write a summary of the proscription scene, in which the members of the triumvirate appear for the fist time in the play.

2. Outline the purpose of this scene. List four points.

3. What unpleasant aspects of Antony's character are revealed in this scene?

scene 2:

1. Stat what happens in this scene.

2. What is the purpose of the scene at Sardis when Cassius rejoins Brutus? What does it foreshadow?

Monday, May 15, 2017

In my absence...

Things carried on as per usual, I am sure!

For Socials please study well for tomorrow's test. There are those of you that still need to bring in your signed test from the last chapter so be sure to bring that tomorrow too.
For English there are students who have not handed in speeches, this will count against your overall mark and marks are withheld until they come in. Remember to study well for tomorrow's quiz on Julius Caesar and complete your new vocabulary sheet.
For Drama we are rehearsing for Gloria at the moment so be prepared for run throughs in the music room tomorrow. Please also return your field trip form.

Friday, May 12, 2017


Image result for friday meme


Finish Act 3 and complete the handout in class.
Quiz Tuesday for Act 3.


Test Tuesday.
Finish the last set of practice questions and complete 1-5.


Research paper and monologues for Monday
Start bringing necessary props.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

April Showers Bring May Showers too?


Test on Chapter 7 next Tuesday.
Page 221 1-3 for tomorrow.


No homework


Research papers due Monday
Monologues due Monday too

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Future of Grade Council Hangs in the Balance...


Please complete 1, 3, 5 on page 221
and get your chapter 6 test signed.


Speeches continue tomorrow if you have not completed reading A3 s1 do so tonight.


Continue rehearsing your monologues.


Image result for vote


Speeches commence tomorrow.
Finish reading Act 3, scene 1 and complete the questions for this scene.


Question 1 and 2 on page 216.


Monologues (new first half only) due Monday.
Bring computers tomorrow.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Monday: Student Voting Day


Complete all reading of Act 3 up to Antony's entrance (line 176) and answer the corresponding questions.
Be prepared to deliver your speech on Wednesday.


Put together an outline of the Omnibus bill of 1969 proposed by Trudeau Sr.
If you did not hand in a paper copy of your song comparison, please do so tomorrow.


Monologues need revisiting.
We will research masks tomorrow, so bring the appropriate hardware to do so.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Your long Weekend starts with Sun, Glorious Sun!!!


Due Monday: speeches! Late speeches are unacceptable given the amount of time you have had to prepare.

Note that several of you who have given book reports have not handed in your written portion. You are needlessly losing marks by doing so.

Julius Caesar Act 2 quiz is also on Monday after we finish watching the rest of Act 2 scene.

Macklen: 1984 Book Presentation. Hand in on Monday. Present on Tuesday.

Speech Power Point

Video suggested by Christopher Dong : )


Chapter 7 first two sets of Practicing Questions: p 210 (#1a-3) & p 214 (#1-4)
Current events quiz on Monday and Ben S's presentation.


Let's review monologues and wordless performances. We will start a new project called Masque it, too. Laptops may be needed for research purposes.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Short Day in the Forecast


Chapter 6 test tomorrow


Review for Act 2 of JC by way of video
and vocab 10 quiz


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

My spirits are high when the sun is visibly in the sky!


Finish all questions for Act 2 (so read scene 4).
Monday: speeches due.
Thursday: vocab #10 quiz.




You should find your monologue!

Monday, May 1, 2017

May Day! May Day!

Image result for may day may day


Finish reading the rest of Act 2 scene 1 and complete the handout sent around in class. I got too many back so I know not everybody took a handout. Please ensure you phone a friend to get it sent to you (via text message picture) so your homework is complete for tomorrow!
Reminder: quiz on vocab 10 quiz on Thursday.
Speeches due next Monday.
Upcoming book report presentations: May 3- Deirdre


Song comparison project is due tomorrow.
Dane and Robert will be giving Historical Fiction book reports as well!
Finish the three questions of the last page of chapter 6 (page 206?)
Test on Chapter 6 this Thursday.


Monologues revisited. Brush up.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Friday and Sun and End of April and...


Read to the top of page 30 (before the entrance of Portia) and answer the following questions
1. Describe the events leading to Brutus' decision to join the conspiracy.
2. How doe Brutus justify his decisio to join the assassins?
3. State the purpose of this scene.
4. Explain why Brutus will not permit an oath to be taken by the members of the conspiracy.
5. "No sooner has Brutus consented to become the leader of the conspiracy that he makes it obvious to the others that he means to be the leader in fact as well in as in name." Comment on this statement.
Christopher is to give a book report on Tuesday. Remember to include the written potion on your presentation. Several students have neglected this part of the portion and it is worth half of your overall mark.


Complete 1-3 and 5 on page 196
UBC reflections are due
Dane and Robert are to give book reports on Monday.

We will be finishing The Dresser on Monday. Don't forget your monologues.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Day Whistler Stole our Kids


Those of you are away be sure you have read up to Act 2. scene 2 and complete all questions for Monday. Those of you who will be in class tomorrow (Friday) do not have homework.


Complete all questions for page 189 and ensure you have completed 1-3 and 5 on page 196.


Bring your monologues for Monday.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Report Card Day

Image result for report card comic


Page 183 1ab and 2a.
Remember that your musical assignment is due next Tuesday.
If you have not received a handout out be sure to grab one tomorrow.


Quiz on Act 1 tomorrow. Study well...and then have a Caesar salad.


If you did not hand in your journal in class today it is due tomorrow.

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