Thursday, December 21, 2017

Canine Colony = Carver


Some of you have been wanting to do the bonus assignment (performing lines)
For Hamlet lines, I will post them below. For Othello, I have many handouts in my class, feel to grab one tomorrow. Please sign up in the comments box below so as to not have any repeats.
Also, just check in with me that the lines posted are, in fact, the right ones, if you think they are a little off. When I put them together I may have used a different published version than the one you currently have.
I have assigned no homework over the break but there are a few things to keep in mind.
>Othello: expect to have a quiz on Wednesday for Act 4.
>Hamlet: the same goes for you.
If you are doing ANY bonus assignment let's get those done by the first Friday back.

1.1  Horatio  line 80 
1.1  Horatio  line 115
1.2  Claudius  line 1
1.2  Claudius  line 87
1.2  Hamlet  line 129
1.3  Laertes  line 11
1.5  Ghost  line 44
2.2  Hamlet  line 278
2.2  Hamlet  line 395
2.2  Player 1  line 426
2.2  Hamlet  line 500
3.1  Hamlet  line 1
3.1  Hamlet  line 119, 131 & 136
3.2  Hamlet  line 14
3.2  Hamlet  line 46
3.2  Player King line 167
3.3  Claudius  line 36
3.4  Hamlet  line 53

4.4  Hamlet  line 32

Christian Studies
Live with Lewis goes "on air' the first Friday back. Reminder I need your notes the day before just to proof read that you have covered all necessary points. Remember to look your part and rehearse ahead of time so as to seem natural on stage.
Tuesday: The Practical Penitent
Wednesday: The Practical Conclusion
Thursday: Quiz and The Three parts of Morality.
Thursday: project time.
Friday: The Cardinal Virtues.

And now a word from our sponsor: Kill Shakespeare?


chapel april 16 d/e/ 1FAIpQLSe1M3GzPklD1McmcoxQGB6R RsnFpmz3rSSqQqwysu7KsvuSTA/ viewform?usp=sf_link