Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Be sure to show up and show out tomorrow!

English 10
Complete the final draft of your Concrete Poem. Submit with rough.
Act 2 Quiz Tuesday.

English 11
Read Keesh. It is a handout and won't be found in your textbook.
Rough Draft of Journalism article due Tuesday.

From Rena:
Hi Mrs. Loconte, below are the questions that the class should complete for a homework check (marble). We will not be going over these questions in class, but they should be completed.
  1. What did Keesh complain about to the council and what was the reasoning behind his defiant attitude?

  2. Why was Keesh’s dad so respected and why do you think he was forgotten so quickly?

  1. Are the council’s doubts of Keesh even after he’d proved his skill (pg 26-29) justified?

  2. How and why has the attitude of Keesh’s community changed from the beginning of the story to the end? 

  3. Describes Keesh’s family. What are some characteristics Keesh shares with his father? 

  4. How does Keesh’s identity impact his role in his community 

  5. Is irony seen in the story? If so, what type of irony? 

 What NOT to Wear

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