Wednesday, April 6, 2022

April Showers...but not today!!

 English 11

Your poems are due tomorrow.

Ensure you have read to the bottom of page 91 for tomorrow's class.

English 10

spoken word event

Here is the criteria for grading your free writes, due next Wednesday.

Complete today's in class handout. Due tomorrow.

Grading your Creative Work

 At the end of this unit you will submit your notebook to receive a mark out of /10.

Your mark will be based on the following:

 1. You have completed all of the writing prompts and they are submitted in a neat and organized manner.

 2. You have selected two pieces of writing you would like me to look at. You have put a large star beside each title. In a paragraph at the end of all your prompts you have explained where you feel your writing has grown throughout this unit with specific examples- use a highlighter to show these examples. 

3. Next you have taken your best writing prompt and added 10 more minutes of writing to it.

4. Lastly, you have taken your worst piece and rewritten it for 10 minutes so that you are more satisfied with its outcome.

 5. Submit your notebook on time.

Philosophy 12 
Finish reading Plato's Defense of the Poets to page 218. Questions to follow in class. 

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