Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Tuesday. Chapel's back!

Philosophy 12

John Stuart Mill and Classical Laissez-Faire Liberalism
Homework Questions Pages 134- 142 (top half)

The following questions are designed to help you unpack the ideas expressed in the first section of this reading. Answer them to the best of your ability. Either underline the answer in your package, write out answers on paper or type out your responses on a doc, but be prepared to discuss and deliberate (see what I did there?).

1. What is an empiricist?

2. What is utilitarianism in the context of this chapter, not as related to ethics.

3. Define eloquence.

4. How did John Stuart Mill’s upbringing contribute to his career life?

5. Search the major reforms of the Reform Bill of 1832.

6. How did John Stuart Mill revise his father, James’, vision, and what effect did it produce in him?

7. What was Jeremy Bentham’s philosophy?

8. Define abstruse.

9. How does Bentham’s philosophy on pleasure and pain lead to more democracy in society?

10. How do superstition and ignorance promote injustice and inequality in society and how is education the antidote?

11. How do you define a Laissez-faire economy?

12. How are ‘undertakers’ involved in the economy?

13. What does the notion of capitalism assume?

14. How did Mill disagree with Bentham’s teaching?

15. How does Mill determine which pleasures are to be placed above others?

16. What problems arise in JSM’s theory on pleasure?

17. Upon which two assumptions does Laissez-Faire depend?

English 11

Test on Short Story Unit tomorrow. In case a few of you missed some classes and, thus, some notes HERE  are my slides. You're welcome!😉

English 10

Read Chapter 5 of Animal Farm and complete the questions.

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