Tuesday, January 7, 2020

2020 (Vision)

Image result for iago gif
Read Act 4, scene 2 on your own and answer all questions from scenes 1 & 2.

Read the handout on Liberalism from pages 134-138 (top half) and answer the following questions, which are provided on the handout:

1.      What is an empiricist?
2.      What is utilitarianism? (create space for this answer and add on to your definition as you continue to read)
3.      Define eloquence.
4.      How did John Stuart Mill’s upbringing contribute to his career life?
5.      Search the major reforms of the Reform Bill of 1832.
6.      How did John Stuart Mill revise his father, James’, vision, and what effect did it produce in him?
7.      What was Jeremy Bentham’s philosophy?
8.      Define abstruse.
9.      How does Bentham’s philosophy on pleasure and pain lead to more democracy in society?
10.   How do superstition and ignorance promote injustice and inequality in society and how is education the antidote?
11.   How do you define a Laissez-faire economy?
12.   How are ‘undertakers’ involved in the economy?

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