Thursday, June 13, 2019

Fade to black

There's nothing more to see here; this is my final post
I hang my blogger hat up, and raise a glass to toast
you and all your efforts--I enjoyed this class the most,
but I'll claim it's just a rumor if you go around and boast.

Room 105 is closing, both in John Knox and here online
My verses meet their resting spot, I've nothing left to opine.
This year is nearly finished, and classes are in decline
so come back in September, and I'll resume this task of mine.

Writing rhymes wasn't easy, it took more time than I thought,
but I hoped to gaslight your poems, so I gave it my best shot.
Each poem was meant to inspire, it was a hidden message I taught
Because EVERYONE can write poetry, or, at least, they ought!

Mrs Loconte

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