Thursday, January 21, 2016

The End is Near!!

C.S. Lewis

Handout tomorrow but here are the topics to start ruminating over:

Select one of the following essay questions below. Respond in a five paragraph persuasive essay of approximately 700 words. Use references from the book on which your topic derives.

Do not consult any secondary sources for these questions.

1)  Read the Preface of The Great Divorce. State Lewis's objective in writing this novel?  Do you think he achieved it? Support your answer with quotes from the book and/or classroom discussions.

2)  In an introduction to a broadcast given on January 11ththe published text, Lewis explains why he was chosen to give the talks: “...first of all because I’m a layman and not a parson, and consequently it was thought I might understand the ordinary person’s point of view a bit better. Secondly, I think they asked me because it was known that I’d been an atheist for many years and only became a Christian quite fairly recently. They thought that would mean I’d be able to see the difficulties – able to remember what Christianity looks like from the outside.” Do you think Lewis has succeeded in representing the ordinary person’s view of Christianity? In what ways might his atheism and later conversion have affected his relationship to Christian beliefs? Do his convictions gain weight because he struggled to arrive at them?

3)  “Human beings are creatures that cause pain by being born, live by inflicting pain, and in pain they mostly die. Why?” How would C.S. Lewis respond to this question in his two chapters on ‘Human Pain’ from the book The Problem of Pain?

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