Social Justice
Your research papers on your chosen social justice project is due tomorrow morning.
Please hand these in to me once you get off the bus.
Quiz on everything we have studied so far on January 7, 2015!!
(unclean water, human trafficking, history of Canada's injustices, vocab terms, those who have commented on injustices in the past, i.e. The Bible, Shakespeare, etc, Human Rights history, and everything else mentioned on the powerpoint slides)
Due to time restraints, I did not have time to discuss narrative essays; thus, I will direct you to a trusted source that has many good tips for this subject: Whooo!
Due dates are as follows:
B block and D block:
Narrative Essay: Jan 7th
Lit Circle Jan 15th
Sonnet: Jan 12th
B block:
Hamlet test: Jan 9th
Finish reading and questions for 4.7
D block:
Othello essay: Jan 12th
Othello test: Jan 9th
Line memorization and Literary Graffiti: Jan 6th
(guess i'm getting a lump of coal for christmas)