Monday, December 17, 2012

It's Raining, It's Pouring..

Socials 9
As usual, please continue to bring in your signed test.
Quiz tomorrow on pages 229-239. Study Well!!
Timelines due tomorrow.

English 12
If you haven't already, please read A Rose for Emily as we will be discussing this tomorrow.
Read "Wordsmith" and complete the multiple choice questions that follow.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Robbed of Rob

Socials 9
Finish the 7 questions from the overhead.
Get chapter 7 test signed.

English 12
It seems I have already assigned tonight's homework (1st time this ever happened) no homework.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tacky/Ugly/Holiday/Christmas Sweater Day

English 12
Don't forget to prepare for your essay tomorrow.
Topics are on Monday's blog.

Socials 9
Quiz tomorrow on pages 216-228.
No other work except to study.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Hashtag Hating my View

Socials 9
Please bring in your signed chapter 6 test.
Read the first section of Ch. 8 (Introduction)
and answer the questions for Figure 8.1, 8.2

English 12
Please read Paul's Case by Willa Carther and answer #3-6, 9,10.
Below are the Essay questions for Thursday and in class PP
Graffiti due Wednesday.


Friday, December 7, 2012

Two more weeks today until the last day of school

Socials 9
Continue to bring in signed tests.
Chapter 7 test on Monday.
Current events (informal) quiz.

English 12
Saaay whaaat? No homework?!
12th: Literary Graffiti project.
Overdue: Act 5.2 questions, journals, reflections for lines.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

"I'll Google That"

A statement said by a student in passing that, indeed, defines a generation.

Socials 9
Please answer the following questions for the NW Coast Peoples:
Questions 2,3 in the Activities
Why was cedar important to these peoples?
Outline the use of the polatches.
How did seasons play a role to the NW Coast Peoples?

English 12
Lines and Journals due tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Lights on!

Socials 9
The Plateau Peoples is the section to be read. Please answer the following questions:
1 Who makes up these people and where are they located?
2. How are they similar to other natives?
3. Describe their diet.

English 12
Finish the questions for Act 5.2
Complete your journal: due Friday.
Last entry is your thoughts on the play as a whole and the answering of the following questions:

Over the years Othello has left critics and viewers of the play wondering and debating: Does Shakespeare provide Iago with enough human motivation for the malevolent acts he commits? Is it plausible that the intelligent, noble Othello could fall so quickly into Iago's trap, turning from the blissful newlywed to murderer in three days?
Is the play deeply flawed, or its disturbing and challenging because of its 'problems'? do the play's problems provoke you to think deeply about human nature, or would they be better 'fixed' by a rewrite?

Lines due Friday.
Graffiti due December 12th

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


English 12
No homework!
buuut, you do have journal  for Act 4 to do. Please bring these to class tomorrow. We will finish the play tomorrow.

Socials 9
Projects due tomorrow.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Enjoy your long weekend, kids

Socials 9
Monday will be an additional day to work on the projects due Wednesday.
Read the Peoples of the Plains 189-201 and answer all activities.

English 12
Quotes quiz on Act 4 Tuesday.
Fill in the Woman and Men talk handout.
This will cover all of the play thus far.
*Please bring your journals with you to class on Tuesday.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Socials 9
Due date for Native Peoples project: Dec. 5 (Next Wednesday)
Read about the Iroquois tonight: pages 193-197
Answer # 1,2,4

English 12
Read Act 4.1 and answer all questions.
Due dates: Dec 5--performing lines, Dec. 12--Graffiti
Journal for Act 3 past due.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Socials 9
No homework!

English 12
Read the Rocking Horse Winner in the textbook.
Answer # 2,3,5,6,9
Journals are due for Act 3 now.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Another short week on the Horizon

Socials 9
Besides getting your test signed please finish the Activities on page 192 #1-3.
We will be in the uplab tomorrow for our research project after we discuss the homework.

English 12
Quiz tomorrow so finish reading Act 3 with questions.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Sevens and Eights

Socials 9
Bring in your signed tests
Chapter 6 test Monday

English 12
Complete questions 1 & 2 for Act 3.3
Quiz on Tuesday for Act 3
Monologues on December 7

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Good but Hard vs. Bad but Easy

Socials 9
Finish up to #15 of review questions for Regions.
Test Monday.

English 12
Complete the questions for The Visit.
We will finish Act 3 tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Field Trip--NOT!!

Socials 9
As per your request, we will now have a test next Monday. /45
Compare/contrast regions
Short answer
Get your tests signed and returned.
Two more regions to learn.

English 12
Quiz tomorrow on Act 2.
Journals on Act 2

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

God is big, BiGGer, BIGGEST!!

Socials 9
Bring in your field trip forms, a change of clothes for walking/hiking, and your uniform to change back into.

English 12
Finish questions for A.2 s.3
Journal response for Act 2 is now due.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Aaaand last but not least

Socials 9
Okay so it turns out we are going to postpone the field trip one day, so get those forms in.
Tomorrow quiz on Regions 3 & 4. VOCAB!

English 12
Finish the questions for Act 2.1

Friday, November 16, 2012

Definition of a Ghost town? Carver hallways Friday @ 3:30

Socials 9
Map due Monday and Quiz on first two regions.

English 12
Finish reading Young Goodman Brown in the textbook and answer #1-5
Journal #3 is overdue.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

"I haven't the foggiest!"

Socials 9
Quiz on the first two regions on Monday.
Current events (informal) quiz.
Map due Monday /20

English 12
Read the Chapter 6 Intro and do all questions except #3.
Journal #3 is now due.

*If you feel so inclined please bring in something for Loconte's class box (boy aged 12-14).

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Groggy Start Back

Socials 9

You need to complete the Canadian awareness (informal) quiz.
Tomorrow Amos' group will begin our chapter 6 after Philip's book report.
I will share the intro with you as well.

English 12
Quiz tomorrow on Act 1.
Homework check tomorrow as well.

Drama 11
A Wordless Performance
Sound: /5

Facial expressions: /5
     Both sound and facial expressions should be expressive, convey meaning, be necessary, and establish the mood.

     Typed and handed in

Total marks: 15

Sunday, November 11, 2012

They gave their tomorrows so you could have your today.

Socials 9
Chapter Test on Wednesday.

English 12
Poetry Test on Wednesday.
Act 1 quiz on Thursday.
Journal #3: Reader Response Journal should now be completed at this point.
In your response you want to respond to what you have seen in Act 1, characters,
conversations, ideas. Consider Act 1 the introduction in a plot line. What do you want to say?
5 minutes. Go!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wed. Nes. Day

Hello Students:

Socials 9
Chapter 5 test next Wednesday

English 12
Poetry test next Wednesday
Finish questions for Scene 2
Act 1 quiz: next Thursday

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Regular Tuesday (which means its not a regular Tuesday)

Socials 9
Review for the Test next Wednesday

English 12
Test next Wednesday on all the poems of Unit 1.
Finish the questions for Scene 1.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Short weeks sometimes feel long.

Socials 9
Next Wednesday is the Chapter 5 test.
Get your tests signed and returned from Chapter 4
Homework questions tonight include all except #4 on page 56

English 12
Read the Introduction to Othello.

Thought of the day:
"You are setting an example, whether you want to or not."

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Socials 9
Quiz tomorrow on everything up to page 139, including vocab.
Bring in signed tests

English 12
No homework.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Afternoon Tomfoolery

Socials 9

  • Return signed tests
  • Finish the handout and so read up to page 139
  • There will be a quiz on everything up to page 139 on Friday
English 12
  • I have extended the Bonus project due date to November 1st, you got tonight.
  • Read the chapter intro on Humour and Irony and answer questions 1-4.
  • We read The Drunkard in class, if you were absent please also read it as we will be doing work on it tomorrow.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ignite Eve

Tonight's Homework...
but first a joke from my daughter's preschool workbook:
What kind of key does not open a lock? A turkey!

Socials 9
Tomorrow is our last day to work on our Industrial Revolution project.
The first half of the class will be in the computer lab and the last half of the class back in the classroom.
Please get your tests signed and return them.

English 12
Essays due tomorrow.
Bonus project due on the 31st.
Links below:
Advice to a Prophet
Review of Unit One

Friday, October 26, 2012

Tourneys, Tests, and Truths

Socials 9

We are in Ch. 5 now where we will learn all about the Industrial Revolution. To that end, please read 129-134 and complete questions 1-5 on the handout.
We will be starting a project next week. We will pick partners and persons to roll play.

English 12

We have studied poems and will continue to study then. The question then becomes how can we judge them? On what criteria? Does it just depend on personal opinion or is there some more tangible way to reach a consensus.
It just so happens that there is a way we can say with confidence that one poem is better than another.
Tonight read pages 903-906 and then 915-916.
Make sure you understand what is being explained here.
I wanted you to do a writing exercise for homework but let's save it for an in class writing assignment. (pause for applause).
I want to ensure you understand the expectations  for this assignment so we will do a couple of practice exercise in class orally. Only after that will I have you do a writing exercise.  
Please come to class prepared: READ THESE PAGES!

Also the essay due date is extended one day; however, as a trade off, I will not accept late essays. 

Have a stellar weekend.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

So I posted yesterday but saved it instead of published it

I haven't abandoned you, students.

Here is today's homework:

Socials 9
Test tomorrow: STUDY!
Here are the student created review questions:

Chapter 4 Review Questions

Napoleon’s Early Life

1.       How old was Napoleon when his father died and what did he become?
2.       What year did Napoleon re-capture the city of Toulon?
3.       What did Napoleon promise the poor people of Italy in 1797?
4.       How did Napoleon become rich?
5.       Which admiral defeated Napoleon in Egypt and what was the name of the battle?
1.       He was 16 and became the head of the family.
2.       1793
3.       Freedom (and their property, religion, customs will be respected.
4.       He stole treasures, paintings, and valuables from Egyptian tombs.
5.       Horatio Nelson at the Battle of the Nile


1.       Explain how Nationalism works.
2.       Who helped unleash Nationalism?
3.       What was one of the countries who participated in Nationalism? What happens when Nationalism becomes too extreme? Give an example.
4.       What are the pros and cons of Nationalism?
5.       Who did Napoleon defeat using Nationalism feelings?

Napoleon the Emperor

1.       What Roman title did Napoleon call himself?
2.       Who was exiled from France for speaking out against Napoleon?
3.       What is censorship?
4.       What old system of government was thrown out by Napoleon’s?
5.       What was the old regime called?
1.       First Consul
2.       Madame de Stael
3.       The act of preventing certain publications or pictures from reaching the public.
4.       Directory
5.       Ancien Regime

Abdication and Exile

1.       To what island was Napoleon first exiled to?
2.       What happened when Napoleon returned from exile?
3.       Who defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo?
4.       When and where was Napoleon’s death and exile?
5.       What came out of the Congress of Vienna?
1.       Elba
2.       Returned to Paris to rebuild his forces and ruled for 100 days.
3.       Duke of Wellington
4.       Saint Helena, died in 1821
5.       A treaty called the Final Act of the Congress of Vienna was signed in 1815.

Napoleon and Europe

1.       Who was Napoleon’s greatest enemy?
2.       Who gave money, supplies, to any country that would fight for them?
3.       What was the system called that blocked off trade with Britain?
4.       What was signed after the defeat of Austria, Russia, and Prussia?
5.       What could Napoleon never control?
1.       Britain
2.       Britain
3.       Continental System
4.       Treaty of Tilsit
5.       The sea

Making France Strong

1.       What was the government called that Napoleon overthrew and what year did this occur?
2.       What is civil law?
3.       What were the improvements and developments that Napoleon made to France?
4.       What are Haiti’s resources and why did Napoleon want them?
5.       What were women’s rights during Napoleon’s reign?
1.       The government that Napoleon overthrew was called the Directory and was overthrown in 1799
2.       The law that relates to a person’s rights and liberties  (as opposed to criminal law)
3.       Napoleon became First Consul and created the Civil code or the Napoleonic code. He guaranteed the right of equality, the right to hold property, freedom of religion, and freedom to pursue work of one’s choice. He employed many people, improved infrastructure, brought wealth to the citizens and kept food staples low. He placed high tariffs on imported goods.
4.       Haiti’s resources were sugar, coffee, cocoa, and cotton and Napoleon wanted sugar because it was very popular in Europe.
5.       Women had no rights as all. Napoleon had very Roman-based and discriminating views toward women.

English 12
Read "Do Not Weep Maiden"
Answer the following questions in your notes:
1. Show how the title is an ironic one.
2. How has Stephen Crane effectively used journalistic techniques of objectivity and realism in his poem? Give specific illustrations.
3. An image conveys a whole complex of ideas in a flash by an appeal to the senses. Select two or three images from the poem, and for each explain the ideas that are conveyed.
4. Although this poem specifically describes the American Civil War, it is nevertheless a condemnation of all war. Write a few sentences showing this is true with reference to the poem.
5. Show how repletion (not a typo, look it up) is effectively used the poem.
6. In the last stanza the poet includes the word 'button'. What purposes are served by this word. Justify your ideas.
I recognize these are challenging questions. Please engage with them as fully as you can.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Tests for Chapter 4: this Friday
Review your study sheet handout out today.
There will be a current events quiz tomorrow and a few more speeches.
Please complete the handout on Wordsworth's poem.

Journals due tomorrow!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hello Long Weekend, You look lovely!

Socials 9
The only thing you have to do is a speech for Monday.
Looking forward to it.
Make sure you look at your assignment handout to make sure you have all aspects in order.

English 12
1984 Test Monday, response to Writer's Festival also due Monday.
Link to review PP HERE
Journals due Tuesday.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Words come in Handy when You don't have anything to Say

Socials 9
Quiz tomorrow pages 97-104 + vocab.
Study well.

English 12
Finish reading chapter 5, we finish 1984 tomorrow.
Journals are due Friday I said, but we have no school Friday so let's go with Tuesday (as Monday is the test).
Last journal entry is a reflection on the novel as a whole. Please do not summarize it.
Due Monday: Write a response to today's Field trip. It must not be an essay. It is not something like "my favorite writer was _______ because_____". Instead, I want you to take what you saw and heard and present something that reflects your mind state or perception of the trip. It can be on a writer him/herself, on a poem/story you heard, the idea of a Writer's Festival, the moderator, or whatever resonated with you.
You could do a poem, a narrative, a song, a word collage or anything else in written form. Be creative.
Bottom line: You need to hand in something that shows me you were present and engaged on today's field trip.
Post a question on the blog if you are still unclear.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Rainless Tuesday and a Smattering of Sun for Good Measure

Socials 9
Complete questions on page 111 after reading 104-105 and 110.
You will have quiz on Thursday more about that on Wednesday.

English 12
Read chapter 5 tonight and answer the last 4 questions of the chapter 4/5 section.
Get up to date on your journals: they are due Friday.
Hand in your forms for tomorrow's field trip if you have not already done so.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday of a Short Week

Socials 9
Tonight you need to study for tomorrow's quiz for the first section of chapter 4 (pp 94-97).
Speeches due Monday the 22nd.

English 12
Journal no. 7 was given out today, the topic is about watching the Adolph Hitler video and comparing it to the Two Minute Hate.
Read ch. 4 + questions.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Enter Rain

Socials 9
Due date for Speech is October 22nd (the Monday back after next Friday).
Tonight pages 94 to 97. Answer 2a on the handout Activity sheet 4-1
and answer 3a-c.

English 12
Complete your three supporting paragraphs on 'What does Peace look like' due Monday.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Rest in Peace Amanda Todd

Socials 9

No homework!

English 12

Read Chapter 2 1984.

A young girl took her life yesterday due to cyber-bullying.
Please keep her family in your prayers.
Be the change you wish to see in others. Period.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Start your ignitions for Ignite!

Test tomorrow on the French Revolution. As this is a test, parents will need to sign and return it once it is graded.
Current events quiz as well.

ENG 12
Quiz tomorrow on Part II of 1984.
Additionally, please bring your duo-tangs for Poetry Wednesdays.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Just in case

If you wanted to zip through my powerpoint again, you are more than welcome to here:
Be Transformed...

Friday, September 28, 2012

Finally!! Friday!! Phew!!

Socials 9

  • Chapter 3 test on Wednesday 10th on the French Revolution. 
  • The first Tuesday back will be a current events quiz (for bonus only) and we will watch a video on the French Revolution for review. 
  • I handed out two review sheets (one crossword and one fill in the blanks). This is for you to complete if you want but  I will not be checking these.

English 12

  • We took the Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism of ch. 9 and divided it into sections to read in groups. Each group then began to report back to the class on their section. In this way we understand what Winston is reading without having to read the whole book ourselves. We didn't finish this task and so will continue upon our return.
  • We also need to read chapter 10 for homework and complete Journal #6 (your choice from the Journal package).
  • Expect a quiz on Pt 2 when we get back next week. It will be 15 questions and 1/2 of those will be multiple choice.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Countdown to Qwanoes

Socials 9
Please read pages 80-83 and answer the following questions:
1. What happened during the Reign on Terror from 1793-1794?
2. What was the Law of Suspects?
3. Who was Robespierre and why did his reign end?
4. What was The Directory?

English 12
Please read chapter 8 of 1984 and answer the questions.
Please rewrite your introductory paragraphs on Peace based on today's lesson on Leads and Theses.
If you missed the class your paragraphs are due via email after you get the packages.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Quizzes & Essays Day

Socials 9
Read pp 72- 79.

English 12
Chapter 6 & 7 of 1984. Read 'em.
Below is the link to the in-class essay assignment:

Peace Sculptures Around the World

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hats off for Pastor's Making a difference in Kid's Lives

Socials 9
Quiz tomorrow on pages 55-68. Ensure you also take the time to know your vocab.

English 12
Complete journal #5 (thoughtcrime or justified revolution)
Finish reading chapters 4 & 5.

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Last Monday for a Few Weeks

Socials 9
Complete the second part of the handout on Philosophes, Research the life of Voltaire, Montesquieu, or Rousseau and write a two page, maximum double-spaced review.

English 12
Short and sweet. Read chapter 3 (and questions).

Friday, September 21, 2012

Talk about a ridge of cold pressure

Socials 9
Still looking for Chapter 1 tests to come back signed.
Read about Louis XIV pp 62-68.
Complete the handout provided for you and complete #2 of the Activities on page 68.

English 12
Please complete your fourth journal entry on either Airstrip One or The Ministries(see me if this is not clear).
Read chapters One and Two of Part II in 1984.
Below is the link to both of the Power Points today.
Civil Peace

Peace & Conflict Review: Weeks 1-3

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wonderful Wednesday

Socials 9

  • You have a quiz tomorrow from pages 35 to the end of the chapter. Please study and make sure you know your vocab words.
  • You need to complete part 3 (it has Homework in the margin) on The Crucible handout.
  • We will discuss the last section of Chapter (from the Triumph of Parliament on) 2 as well as The Crucible tomorrow.

English 12

  • Please prepare for the quiz tomorrow on Pt. I of 1984.
  • Also read Civil Peace for class discussion tomorrow. 
  • We will also discuss a poem tomorrow.
  • Peace Project due Friday.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

And Your Student Council Reps Are...

Socials 9
Finish Activities 1-3 on page 48.
Return Chapter 1 tests signed.

English 12
Read Ch. 8 of 1984
Quiz on Pt. 1 Thursday
Brochure due Friday (please note you can find the assignment in one of the first posts of this year on this blog)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Beginning a recording breaking third week of September

Socials 9
Finish reading this chapter. Quiz will be this week on last section of reading.

English 12
Read chapters 6 & 7.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Macbeth was Masterfully Done

SS 9
Read up to page 42.

English 12
Complete "Greetings" Journal entry #2 (#7 on second page)
Read chapters 4&5 of 1984 and as always complete questions.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Charles I and 1984

Socials 9
Quiz tomorrow on pages 19-35. Fill in the blank style and vocab. Study accordingly.

English 12
Finish reading Chapter 2 and continue with Chapter 3.
Questions to follow.
Remember brochures are due one week from tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How many Principals does it take to fill a library?

Social 9n
Finish the fill-in-the-blank handout and finish reading the Fight with Parliament section of Chapter Two.

English 12
Finish you first journal entry on any one article/statement on today's handout.
Read Chapter One of 1984 and complete (always) the questions that follow.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday: short and sweet

Complete the handout on Chapter Two. Read the sections from Introduction to Witches.

ENG 12
Read Harrison Bergeron. You can read the story HERE!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Funday Monday

SS 9

Test tomorrow: Chapter 1--fill in the blanks, short answer, vocab.

English 12

Chapter 5 Intro: Point of View
Questions 1-4

Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday + Sun = Happiness

Socials 9

No homework other than to study for the Ch. 1 test on Tuesday.

English 12

No other homework than to read "...Omelas" and think about whether such a story is applicable to our lives.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Settling In

  • Socials 9

  • Complete both questions on page 9. 
  • Remember that we have a chapter 1 test next Tuesday and that we are in the library next Monday.
  • If you did not put a photo on your  Auto-Bio poem, please bring one in soon.
  • Get you planners signed for tomorrow.

  • English 12

  • Read Plot & Structure (p103-111) and answer all questions except #3.
  • Remember you have a project due September 21. Create a brochure for International Peace Day.
  • Links to today's PPs below

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

late! but not making it a habit.


autobio poem due.

en 12
finish reading destructors and assingned complete questions.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome Back

The only class to have homework is English.

Read Chapter 1 and answer 1,4,5.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Summer School: Second Blog for You

As mentioned in class here are the links to two Power Point presentations:

Big Brother Wrap-Up Notes

Advice to a Prophet

(there is another poem in our list entitled "The Soldier", unfortunately, we will not be discussing this poem due to time constraints)

Have a good weekend.

Remember to hand in your paragraphs on Monday, register yourself on Engrade if you have not done so, and ensure that you have all work handed in.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Gonna be going through blog withdrawls soon

Well there's not really any homework per se but let's see what needs commenting on.

History 12
We will continue to review via the PP.
You need to complete the multiple choice 'quiz' for tomorrow's final class.

Socials 11
There are 3 of you who still need to give presentations tomorrow.
The rest of you be prepared to discuss past essay questions

English 12 
Email me your Visit final re-write if you didn't hand it in to me in class.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Final. Finally. Finality.

History 12
Current events quiz tomorrow.
Power Point review tomorrow.

Socials 11
In the lab tomorrow taking sample provincials.

English 12
See Socials 11.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Grads go missing; some report, "I thought it was the rapture".

History 12
Get ready to do this course all over again in three days.
Bring your review game-face.
Movie bonus also due next week.

Socials 11
Review week next week: no homework but finish the chapter.

English 12
Bring your textbooks to return.
Be prepared to listen to the last Lit Circle presentation.
We will be in the lab for the remainder of the class

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Last Academic Thursday

History 12
No homework
Read the Chapter on Africa at your leisure.

Socials 11
Read up to the fourth set of Practicing Questions.

English 12 
Lit Cirlces tomorrow and movie review/bonus due tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

One Week Today and That's It, Folks!

History 12
You are in self-pace mode.
You know you need to read the Chapter on Africa.
I will summarize the sections after Bethany's until the end of the package.
Presentation tomorrow: Trevor.
Watch a movie on the list. Due the 15th

Socials 11
Read up to page 436.

English 12
12 Angry Men test tomorrow.
Followed by a rewrite of today's in class writing assignment.
Bring your writing implements!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Last Chapel of the School Year

History 12
Bethany: mini-presentation
Read the section on Globalization of Chapter 19. pp348-351

Socials 11
Read only--up to the first two sets of practicing questions

English 12
Sonnets due tomorrow.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Ah, June! Aren't you a sight for sore eyes.

I know it makes no difference but I totally blogged Sunday afternoon, although it didn't show up. Think I must have hit save instead of publish. Just thought you should know.  

History 12
No more tests from the textbook. (insert applause here)
I am asking you to read one section of Ch. 15: America's Sphere of Influence in Central American pp 398-390.
As usual, just read. We will discuss this and go into the last chapter (globalization) tomorrow.

Socials 11
Quiz tomorrow on pp 401-417. It will be all short answer.

English 12
Due dates are all this week:
Wednesday- Sonnet
Thursday- 12 Angry Men test
Friday- Lit Circle and Bonus assignment (see link below). 10% will be added to 12 test.
Tonight please pre-read Shakespeare's 'Let me not to the marriage of true minds, admit impediments'.
p 1001 in the textbook, or, undoubtedly, online if you didn't bring your text home.

12 Angry Men Powerpoint

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I Got Nuthin'

History 12
Read NATO and Russia. That's it.

Socials 11
Answer #4 o p 390 and the thinking cricially question on that same page.
Also read  up to 393 and answer 1-3

English 12
Will post 12 Angry Men on tomorrow's blog. You could watch 12 Angry Men now, otherwise no hw.

Monday, May 28, 2012

What's that little white dot I see? Is it the light at the end of the tunnel?!

History 12
No homework!
Except you, Elie.
Remember too, if you wanted to take me up on that bonus assignement to add 10% to your mark on today's quiz, tomorrow is the day to hand it in.

Socials 11
Test tomorrow on Chapter 11.

English 12
Finish reading the rest of Act 2.
Revised due dates: June 6-Sonnet, June 8- Lit Circle.

Friday, May 25, 2012


History 12
Quiz Monday on Ch. 17 based on student-created questions.

Socials 11
Practicing Questions on p 377
Read pp 380-383 no questions
Test on Ch. 11 Tuesday

English 12
No homework- yeah!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Insert Clever Title Here

History 12
Read the sections you did not read in class today.
To be read: Aftermath of the Soviet Collapse, Ukraine, The Breakup of Yugoslavia.

Socials 11
No homework but finishing reading up to page 374, no questions.

Rewrite your provincial essay questions for marks.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The End is Near!

History 12
Onward and upward. Read The Commonwealth section of Ch. 17. No questions.
Consider taking advantage of the Bonus assignment.

Socials 11
Practicing Questions p 364 # 2,4-6
Due date for bonus assignment due Friday for most students.

English 12
May 31: 'Chapter Intro' test (ch 1, 4-7)
Complete #1-4 p.688 &  #1-3 p.809

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day of Vox Populi

History 12
Read The Aftermath of Revolution (politcal and german reunification).
No questions.

Socials 11
Study for test tomorrow. 
Bonus assignment due Thursday.

English 12
Finish reading The Drunkard.
Read Chapter 7 Intro on Humor & Irony, answer questions 1-4.
Rewrites on What Shall He Tell That Son due for some of you.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, Please Shine Down on Me!

History 12
Projects due tomorrow.
Essays due tomorrow night.
Chapter 15 is omitted and we will begin reading Chapter 16 tomorrow.
(essay topics in comments box below)

Socials 11
If you finished the in class questions on page 340 (1 and 3) you have no homework.
We will finish the chapter tomorrow and have a test on Wednesdsay, (review part of Tuesday).

English 12
Finishing in class essay tomorrow so no homework tonight except to read the biography by Nelson Mandela is you have not already done so.
Essay due Tuesday.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Headline reads "Cooler weather does not decrease requests to be freed into Nature"

History 12
The ever-retreating deadline: Projects for China chapter are due this Friday. Nothing late will be accepted.
Take home essays are assigned tomorrow and due Friday evening.
Tonight you are reading China's Demand for Democracy.

Socials 11
Read up to page 343 and answer #1-3.
Tomorrow a bonus assignment will be given due one week from tomorrow.

English 12
Due dates: Othello essay- May 22nd
                  Sonnet- June 7th
                   Lit Circle- also June 7th
Read A Country Childhood by Nelson Mandela (no questions)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Final Four

Please read the section on Foreign Policy and complete the questions posted in Thursday's comments box.
Reminder that projects are due this week also.

Quiz tomorrow on the last half of the chapter...bonus current events quiz as well.
I also asked that you read the first couple of pages on Human Rights and do the questions in the first set of Practising Questions.

Essay on Othello due not this Monday but next.
Please read Chap 6 intro on Allegory and Fantasy.
There are two questions you do not have to do but I do not have my book with me at home so I am not sure which two those are. One is A Worn Path question so omit that one and do the rest to be safe...or phone a friend.
Also we read but did not finish The Rocking Horse Winner, please read and complete the questions.
Again sorry here for now knowing the numbers, phone a friend or check with me in the AM tomorrow.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Is it just me or does this week feel long?

History 12
I didn't assign this in class but I found most of you through the school to pass on the message that you are to read page 258 to page questions.

Socials 11
The last set of practicing questions are you. Do not do 1,5,8.
Quiz Monday on the second half of the chapter.

English 12
No homework? This is becoming a habit!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Gentle Breeze or Rough Wind?

History 12
No homework, per se, but you could start brain storming about your project for chapter 14 which is due a week from today.

Socials 11
We are reading page 308-309 and answering all questions on page 309.

English 12
Study for the Othello test tomorrow (m/c, short answer, quotes).

Monday, May 7, 2012

Three cheers for warmer weather: hip-hip hurray x3

History 12

We are reading the first two sections of Vietnam with no questions attached.
There will be a quiz on Wednesday -on what? To be discussed.

Socials 11

Questions 1-4 on page 302 are assigned. There will also be a quiz on everything up to page 302 on Wednesday.
Returned tests from Ch. 7 are still needed.

English 12 
So apparently (i didn't) I said that you could say your lines tomorrow (nope). This being decided (what choice did i have) be prepared to leave me spellbound with an extra day to perfect your line recitations.
We will finish watching the movie tomorrow as well.
If you haven't, please read the intro to Othello.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The dance is a poem of which each movement is a word. ~Mata Hari

With God on Our Side reminded us above all that we are to love our neighbor and have humanity in our hearts--a truism that often gets forgotten in the search for peace in the Middle East. We may never know if God is on our side, but perhaps the real question is, are we on God's side?
After some weird thing Elie and Rachel bragged about, we decided to scrap the project and work through the chapter as per usual.
Read through India, Kashmir, and Pakistan and be prepared to take a quiz on Monday on Japan.

No Homework!

Lines due Monday.
Please read the introduction to Othello, it attempts to bring a modern perspective on a classic piece.
Answer the review questions for 5.2

Thursday, May 3, 2012

"I understand a fury in your words, but not the words"

History 12
You wrote and wrote and wrote some more.
Thus you will write nothing for homework but merely read: "Japan", chapter 13.

Socials 11
Canadian Government is our new topic. Read up to p. 296 and answer 2 & 3....and get your tests signed.

English 12
Quiz tomorrow on Act 4.
5.1 questions.
Rewrites for paragraph on 'Advice/Son'.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

But I was bombasted, beleagured, and bribed for bits of butter!

Test tomorrow.
4 short answer worth 10 each. (the only) 5 vocab words.

Quiz tomorrow.

Read Act 4 scene 2 for homework and complete questions.
Absent students need to complete the following assignment due tomorrow.
"In paragraph form, in approximately 125-150 words, and with specific reference to 'What Shall He Tell That Son' discuss the father's advice to his son."

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day, May Day!

History 12
Due tomorrow: H.S. sheet.
No other homework.

Socials 11
Answer # 1,2, on page 270 and read up to page 273, no questions.

English 12
What?! No hw again?! The calm before the storm it seems.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Last Day of April

May 2- Historical Significance
May 4- Ch.12 test: 4 short answers and vocab
Elie and Eric presentations tomorrow.

Read up to page 267 and answer 1,2.

Nothing, nada, zip, zilch...this would be a good time to memorize your lines, however, or work on your literary graffiti assignment (there's always something).

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Life's a Beach.

History 12
I have been convinced to change the date of the Historical Significance assignment to May 2 (Wednesday).
Your homework over this long weekend is scant: read the Iraq/Iran war and do 2 paltry questions 14,15.

Socials 11
Quiz on Monday on everything up to "Chretien to Martin to Harper.
Complete the Practicing Questions: 1-7, not 4.

English 12
Upcoming due dates:
April 30- Act 3 quiz
May 7- lines due
May 9- literary graffiti due
Tonight's homework: Read Point of View/ Chapter 5 in "the brick" and finish Paul's Case if you have not yet.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Frisbees Stole My Students

History 12
See the link below for a recap of the day's discussion and the homework (read Suez Crisis, p 215)
Trevor presentation tomorrow...or Monday

Socials 11
Please complete the section on Aboriginals ( 250-256).
Complete questions 1-4 & 6.

English 12
Line recitation due: May 7
Assignment: Literary Graffiti due May 9.
In-class essay tomorrow. subject TBA
Reading: Paul' Case in the textbook
Monday: Act 3 quiz

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Peace in the Middle Eas', Tests, & homosexual overtures in Othello?

Tons of homework tonight: questions 1-3 at the end of the chapter.
Coral, Bethany mini-presentations tomorrow.

One week from today you will present a comparison of two songs. Make sure you have the assignment, we will discuss this tomorrow.  Read up to page 249 in chapter 8 and answer 1,2,5,6.

Othello is convinced his wife is a whore
Iago's proof was weak and not much more.
Iago seeks revenge, that's what he did say,
So don't assume he does this because he is gay.
This play is heating up, let's see how it ends,
finish the rest of this scene, don't forget your questions. (meh, close enough)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Day Backwards:

12 English 
.241 line to up read and 3.3 of questions four 1st the Finish
.essay class-in up coming an for writing essay strong Revew

11 Socials
.tomorrow test. Study!

12 History
.hard not its...question "compare" the do to need you of 4. chapter the of 1/2 second the on tomorrow Quiz

Friday, April 20, 2012

Report Cards: Sounds either like the Flourish of a Trumpet or the Bugler's Cry of Taps

The Last Friday of Classes in April.

A brief fact-finding mission soon revealed your skimming or non-involvement of last night's reading.
As such it was swiftly concluded that a (not-too-easy) quiz should ensue on Monday on last night's reading and a second quiz would follow on Tuesday on The Helsinki Accord and Afghanistan.
One homework question: compare Khrushchev and Brezhnev.

We finished the chapter and had a discussion amongst the 6 of us.
Test Tuesday.

Read Act 3, Scene 1 & 2.
I did not take the question home with me, thus I can not post them here.
If some diligent soul copied them down and is reading this please add the questions in the comment box.

Have a good one.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Here it is.

Pages 200-25. read only

Finish the in class questions

Quiz tomorrow on Act 2

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Back from Hiatus

Test tomorrow.
Below is the link to the (non edited)Power Point. I would have given it in class today had you have let me.
What with talking about a man putting poop on McDonald's walls and whether people who are half Chinese look Asian and what not, this class was not as productive as it could have been.
Guess you will make it up with intense studying tonight.
Good luck.

NO homework.

finish reading Act 1, Scene 1 and read Scene 2. Do the questions in the handout that correspond to these scenes.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday! 'Nuff Said.

Finish the little bit on China and read the section on Containment. Answer 12-14 in the back of the chapter.

Practicing Questions pp 214 (1-4) and 216 (1,2a)

Read A1S3 and complete the questions.
Do a Reader Response Journal on your reactions, thoughts, and ideas on the plot of the first Act.
Quiz on Act 1 Tuesday

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dare we wear shorts tomorrow???

Confrontation. Try to avoid it, but read it.
And these three questions:
-how did the confrontation happen in Iran?
-how did the US use the Marshall Plan to bring W. & C. Europe under its sphere of influence? Why did the Soviet Union not allow the Eastern Bloc to participate? and How was E. Europe rebuilt?
- Why was the US determined to have a presence in Berlin and the Soviets staunchly against this?

Test tomorrow. wha, wha, whaaa.

decompress from the test.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Make up your mind, Sun!

History 12
Well, we are way behind on our mini-presentations. So tomorrow we will hear presentations from Elie, Rachel and Friday we will hear from Kellie and John. That will have us covered for chapters 9 & 10.
We will discuss Peacekeeping (its website, the movie, and your test).
Tonight, read Ch. 10: the Overview, and Background to the Cold questions.

Socials 11
Finish all practicing questions at the end of Ch. 6. Test Friday.

English 12
Poetry test tomorrow.
Read Scene 2 of Act 1 of Othello.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

"Don't let the things you can't do stop you from doing what you can do" Liu.

History 12
Take-home essay.
Approx. 750 wrds. Typed and uniquely titled.
Go to the link below and click on Ch. 9 Essay Topics or BLM 21

go to the link below to check the essay scoring guide, it is on page 88 of the IRP

Tomorrow we are watching Peacekeeping, a documentary on the UN. Please come during the break so I can start it right away as it will take the full length of class.

Good luck.

Socials 11
Remember to get your test signed and return it tomorrow.
Also, remember to hand in your ads.
Lastly, complete p 196 #1-5

English 12

About the test on Thursday: you will be tested on the first 8 poems of the poetry unit of Peace and Conflict. These are on the handout I gave you at the start of the semester. There will be several questions on each poem and you will have to choose which ones you want to write on.
As with all my tests, you will need to use specific references when answering the questions. Vague generalizations will not get full marks. I highly suggest you review tonight and tomorrow night.
Tonight you need to write a one-page report on which poem you find superior: Vergissmeinnicht or Guns (p 959, p 960). Remember to consider the criteria as outlined in Evaluating Poetry (p 903). Include the three basic questions- What is the central purpose, How fully has this purpose been accomplished, How important is this purpose, and address whether either of these poems is overly sentimental, rhetorical, or didactic.

Below is a link to Advice to a Prophet.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

He is Risen

History 12
You have given yourself the hw, so you know what it is.
Please finish this chapter (9) and answer the remainder of the questions.
Songs due Tuesday...excited for that!

Get your tests signed and return them on Tuesday, please.
To be ready for Tuesday's class led by Miss Lund, please read up to page 189 and answer all of the practising questions.

English 12
Pre-read Advice to a Prophet.
Expect an in-class writing assignment next week regarding the last two poems of the unit.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Don't Shoot the Messenger

So late...doubt anyone will read tired...

History 12
Read section on Peacekeeping Korea and answer questions 1-6, excluding 4.

Socials 11
1a,b & 2a on p 183.
Thursday comparing Ads or propaganda are due.

English 12
study for1984 test

Monday, April 2, 2012

Dust Off the Ol' Brain...It's Go-Time.

History 12
Storyboards due tomorrow.
Read Ch. 9 'Security Council' and 'General Assembly'
Link for PP:

Socials 11
Read Ch.6 p 170-173 #1-3.
This month we will start doing novel presentations. Start reading.
Current events quiz tomorrow.

English 12
Journals due tomorrow.
Read poem "Do Not Weep, Maiden..."
We will also discuss "Lonely Historian"
Test Wednesday
Link for 1984 notes:

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Spring has Sprung!

Nice to see the trees in bloom- always love the rebirth of spring.

Approaching deadlines:
Storyboards for the Pacific War and Group Songs for WWII

Test on Monday for WWII

TEST ALERT: Wednesday we will have a test on 1984. It will be all encompassing: matching, T/F, M/C, and short answer.
Journals are due Monday.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Goodbye China Team

Finish the chapter from D-Day on and answer the remainder of the questions.
Movie day tomorrow!! (Bring 'em if you got 'em)

Chapter 5 test on Monday, April 2.
Finish this chapter tonight p159 #1,2,5
p157 #3

Part 2 quiz tomorrow- format: short answer.
We will discuss The Lonliness of the Military Historian as we did not have time to do so today.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Two to Go!

After a lengthy discussion on what constitutes a bonus assignment we got down to work- guys vs. girls style. We read about the Battle of the Atlantic, Germany's New Order and the Holocaust. Tonight you need to read Resistance and answer # 6-11.
Bethany and Coral are giving presentations tomorrow.
Timelines are now overdue with 20% late marks.

We worked through the War and ending with Germany's surrender. We discussed the justification of using WMD. The homework was nothing!
Test of WWII Friday.

Journal reflection on Part Two. Read Ch. 1 of part 3 and answer the questions.
Did I mention a test for tomorrow for part 2? Hmm, guess you should review it 'just in case'.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"Love God and Do Whatever You Want"

Two projects given out today, both due upon your return.
Ch. 7 WWII project due April 10th
Ch.7 Pacific War project due April 3rd
Tonight read about Pearl Harbour, no questions.
Kellie and John you have to do mini-presentations tomorrow as you haven't gone yet for this week. Coral, you're up too.

Read the section Innovations (p140)
Make a list of the top 3 technological advancements in weaponry and pick the best one. Be prepared to defend your decision.

Finish part 2 of 1984 and answer the questions for ch. 10.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Last week of classes for March!!

Chapter 7 :read up to, but not including, Operation Barbarossa, no questions. John, you are up for the mini presentation.
Sorry, Trevor, looks like I did say time lines were due Monday, chalk it up to me being exhausted on Friday. Timelines due tomorrow, no excuses.

page 139 #1-5, please get your tests signed so I can fix up the marks for #4. Test this Friday on WWII

But you will have a Editing and Proofreading quiz tomorrow. Essays are now due before you get on the bus next Monday.

Thank You for Bearing with Me

After a humorous class on some of the language of Global Forces, we decided to take the test on Monday (yeah). To that end, there is no homework other than to study for the test which will be four short answer questions for a total mark of 20.
Below is the link for the in-class PP. (Slides 20-22)

Timelines due Monday.

Get your tests signed and answer numbers 1-4 (3 for 3) on p. 132.


Friday, March 2, 2012

Thank You for Bearing with Me

After a humorous class on some of the language of Global Forces, we decided to take the test on Monday (yeah). To that end, there is no homework other than to study for the test which will be four short answer questions for a total mark of 20.

Below is the link for the in-class PP. (Slides 20-22)

Timelines due Monday.


Get your tests signed and answer numbers 1-4 (3 for 3) on p. 132.


Chapters 7 & 8.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Just Thursday

Timeline and Chapter 6 test due next Tuesday.

Read up to p 129 and answer #1,2,4

Moving along, please read Ch.s 5 & 6 and complete the questions.
Remember you need a total of 12 journal entries for 1984, so don't forget to work on those on your own time.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Does Wearing Pink Stop Bullying?

Japan's Quest for Imperial Status
Resurgent China
p.98-103 no questions.
Eric, Trevor, Elie will start the class with their mini-presentations

We are reading about WWII.
Read up to the first set of practicing questions and answer all of the questions.

Read Ch.s 3&4 + questions.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tickled Pink about Tomorrow

Test time- yeah!!!
Don't forget time lines are fast approaching.

Here is the link courtesy of Bethany. Please be aware that these notes are not exhaustive but only touch on the basics of the section on the US. Specifics like all the different legislation that was passed under Roosevelt are absent as well as other details.

Test time- yahooo!!!
Don't forget to get your last test signed.

Test time- er, that's not right.
Read Chapter 2 and answer questions. Easy enough.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Windy Weekend

Finish the questions for USSR and read the US at home- no questions.
Ch.5 test Wednesday.

All PQs on p 103.
Good presentations, guys.

Read Harrison Bergeron. See if you can establish a link btwn the short story and the novel 1984.
Journal entry on your response to Pt. 1 of 1984.

Windy Weekend

Finish the questions for USSR and read the US at home- no questions.
Ch.5 test Wednesday.

All PQs on p 103.
Good presentations, guys.

Read Harrison Bergeron. See if you can establish a link btwn the short story and the novel 1984.
Journal entry on your response to Pt. 1 of 1984.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Some sun, some rain, but no rainbow

Bonus assignments due tomorrow.
Questions 13-17 due as well.

Two presentations tomorrow left.
We will be reviewing PQs on p 100. Do them if you have not.

PSA's due tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Better late than never

We are into ch. 5. You've got a little reading and a lot of questions. John, Trevor and Elie should find this reading a breeze. You need to read the Overview, Pre-Revolutionary Russia, and the Russian Revolution. Questions 1-11.

Questions on p 100 1-3, 5, 6.
Quizzes signed.

Quiz tomorrow of pt.1 of 1984.
Answer questions of ch. 8 after you finish reading it.
PSA due Thursday.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Short Week, let's hope it feels that way

Test tomorrow. I will post details here again after 9.
Look for it to look very similar to Ch.2 test: vocab, short answer and an essay. Some Hitler will be covered :)

We are in chapter 4. Read up to the first set of PQs. # 1-4
Presentations due Wednesday

Ch.7 and question 6-10
PSA's due tomorrow.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Lent: Complain Not! (Feb 22)

If you want to challenge yourself, boy, have I got a task for you!
Don't complain for 40 days. It's not impossible, but it is extremely hard.
I'm doing it, so feel free to join me.
Check this link and if you are interested see me for a purple bracelet.
The challenge calls for 21 consecutive days of being complaint-free...but, c'mon, you'll probably need the whole 40.

Mrs. Loconte

Fantastic! Friday! Fantastic, Friday. Friday? Fantastic!

Handout on Anti-semitism due Monday.

Test Monday: M/C, name matching, fill-in-blanks, vocab definition, two essays topics from chapter intro.

English (my Everest)
Chapter 6 for 1984. You will have the first 5 questions to do for this chapter.
"Once More" questions

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ism Day: Communism, Regionalism, & Totalitarianism

We have two more presentations tomorrow and after that we will discuss Hitler's Third Reich. To that end, read pp 58-61. No questions.

We are done Ch. 3. We will review tomorrow. Test Monday & Presentations due Wednesday.
Answer review questions 1-8.

Ch 4&5 questions need to be completed, as in done, as in finished: (ahem) Khezia, Maas.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Short Tuesdays make for Long Wednesdays

Presentation day is upon us. Be ready for tomorrow!
Also, begin Ch. 4: read 52-58 and answer #1-4
Welcome Elie, if this is your first time reading this blog.

Read the section of Regionalism and answer the questions on p 79, #1 & 2
If you didn't finish the PQ questions in class, you've got a little more work to do.

First of all, stop being so argumentative/disruptive! Second of all, read chapter 3 and answer all questions for ch.s 2 & 3.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Be Mine

Not gonna lie: the homework completion being at an all time low kinda sucked. I had hoped to neatly wrap up this chapter before the test. Getter done for tomorrow. We will go over the questions 15-21 & the handout before the test tomorrow: 20 T/F and two essays.

Read the Case Study of Ch.3 and do the headline for #1.
Read up to p. 70 and answer # 1,3. Presentations due Wednesday 22.

Read Ch.1 of 1984 and do the corresponding questions.

Monday, February 13, 2012

B-ball, Library-loving, & All Things Cool

You need to finish this chapter and answer # 13-21 at the end of ch. 3.
Projects should be close to done as we will be reviewing and getting ready for a test this Wednesday.

You are now in ch.3. Read up to the first set of P.Q.'s and answer #1-2 p.66

Since Big Brother is watching you, you might as well complete this homework: read the handout on language and do your first journal entry for 1984 (pick any topic and support or refute it). Strive to write for 5 minutes solid.
Also, read the Introductory Notes handout package.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Let me be brief


No Homework...

well not exactly-
History students you have a Totalitarian project due a week from today.
Socials students you have a chapter 2 test Monday.
English students you have a project due two weeks from today.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday: The Half-Way Point

Finish reading the section on France & Britain.
Answer #6-12.
Prepare for quiz tomorrow.

No HW- yeeeaahh!

1. What is it about the 'lie' that makes him so angry? Explain in one or two concise sentences?
2. What conflicting attitudes and facts at the beginning of WWI does the poem illustrate?
3. Show how the poem is a condemnamtion of all wars not just WWI.
4. This poem is by an 'angry young man' of the early 1900s. Identify and illustrate three methods used by Owen to convey strong emotion.
5. Do you think Owen is a sensationalist (look it up if you don't know it)? Explain in one or two concise sentences.

aaaand, can you bring an old essay to class for revision...forgot to mention that today.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Toos, Tos, Twos, Tuesday

Now that Chapter 2 is decidedly behind us, we are on to Ch. 3. Please everything up to the League of Nations (including it) and answer #1-6.

Finish reading The Home Front and Women of WWI. Answer #10-4 of Practicing Questions.

No HW-aww yeah.

Monday, February 6, 2012

2nd Monday, 2nd Semester

Test tomorrow.
No HW.

Innovations: choose the best advancement and explain why.
Second set of Practice Questions # 1,3,4.

Answer the questions on The Guest #3-7.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Only Thursday?!

Read about Attrition and the R.R.
Answer questions 1-6 at the end of Ch. 2

Read up to the first set of practicing questions (25-30)
Answer P.Q. 1,2

Answer questions 1-4 from the overhead projector for Omelas.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"Whens" Day

Jeff, I want to create a separate blog for our class. I will post the homework for now and when I put up the new blog (hopefully tonight) I will alert you to it again here.
Read Unferth's Taunt and answer the questions for this section.
***Update, I have added those of you who emailed me. New Lit website is

Read Chapter Two up to and including Mobilization (pp 10-14)

Test tomorrow: M/C and Two or Three paragraph responses.
Finish PQ # 1-3

Read "Theme" in Perrine's (p188) and answer 2,3,4,5.
Read "Just Lather, That's All".
That's all.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Shininess of the New Semester is Blinding

Read the Coming of Beowulf and answer the questions on the handout.

Finish the Chapter and answer 1-3

Finish Practicing Questions (12) that were assigned in class. If you have done that please read the Counterpoints section on p 10 & 11 and come to class prepared to debate.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday: Were you well 'Advised' today?

English 10

Socials 11
No H.W. Take this time to review the textbook or finish the online exam that we did in class.

English 12
Friday is the deadline for handing in the bonus marks assignment on 12 Angry Men.
Complete "Part C- Synthesis and Analysis" either from the yesterday's provincial or today's.
Minumum 300 words/ 3 paragraphs. If you were on the side of the computer room closest to outside you are doing today's exam.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Not-a-snow-Day Monday

Review Week!

English 10
Read Chap.7 of Animal Farm and complete all matching Vocab for Ch. 5-7.
We will be in the computer lab again tomorrow doing the second provincial exam.

Socials 11
Finish Practice Questions #1-3, 5 on p. 449. These are our last Chapter questions. There will be no test for this chapter.
We will be in the computer lab again tomorrow doing the second provincial exam.

English 12
No H.W.
We will be in the computer lab again tomorrow doing the second provincial exam.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday Sweet, sweet Friday!

English 10
Chapter 6: read it and answer questions.

Socials 11
finish #1-5 on p. 443 if you did not do so in class.

English 12
No homework.
Bonus marks opportunity due Friday.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday a.k.a. Summer in January?

English 10
Finish your Ch.3 questions and '7 Commandments' are due Friday.

We are in Ch.13 now, our final chapter.
Read pp 424-426 and answer # 2,4,6,7

English 12
We will be writing our '12' test tomorrow. Bring a book or other work to do, if you finish early. We will have the length of class to complete the test. Should we all finish early however, I do have some final thoughts on '12' I would like to discuss.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

La Da Da Da Tuesday

Eng 10
Finish reading ch. 2 and answer all questions for that chapter.

SS 11
Read Off Shore Farming (p 401) and answer #1

Eng 12
Be prepared to write the 12 Angry Men test tomorrow.
25 m/c and 2 paragraph response.

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year, New Blog

English 10

You are to finish reading Ch. 1 of Animal Farm and complete the questions for Ch. 1. Although the questions state that some are inclass questions and some are homework, you are indeed, to complete all questions: 1-9. If you haven't handed in your short story yet, it is very late, please do so immediately.
Your 2 paragraphs about "tell you story" are also past due. Hand them in, late marks will follow.

Socials 11
Quiz on pages 402-412, terms included

English 12
Finish reading Act 3 of Twelve Angry Men. Movie tomorrow. Test Wednesday.

chapel april 16 d/e/ 1FAIpQLSe1M3GzPklD1McmcoxQGB6R RsnFpmz3rSSqQqwysu7KsvuSTA/ viewform?usp=sf_link