Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday (and another GOoOooOOld!)

English 11

You are now in your groups to construct a collaborative radio play (short story that is meant to be heard). You should get started soon as it will be due BEFORE you leave on your missions trips. We will have one more library day (Thursday). The good thing about it being online is that you don't have to be in one room to write it, each can contribute and provide feedback from anywhere!

Tonight read A Sunday in the Park and write a journal response to it. Write on whatever impressions the characters, theme, or plot gave you.

Also due tomorrow is your Final draft of your narrative essay.
Remember that your essay has a thesis, but this central idea is not directly stated; it is shown through the story...and your story is about developing a character who is based on your friend or relative.

Title it.

English 12

Due March 2: Research Paper!

Reviewing homework questions for Paul's Case and Chapter 6 tomorrow.

Socials 11

Complete activities on page 280 1,2 as well as review sheet, all questions.

Canada! Canada! Canada!

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