Thursday, December 15, 2016

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

I like popcorn, do you?

English students:
Bring your journal tomorrow and popcorn. It's Christmas!

Christian Studies students:
Bring your answers tomorrow and songs to sing. It's Christmas!
p.s. read up to page 73.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Fa la la la la, la la la laaa


Finish reading chapter two and discuss whether or not we are to worship the holy spirit as well as son and father. Why or why not?


Hamlet- read until Laertes enters and also do all questions relevant to our reading thus far.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Freshly fallen snow creates the perfect backdrop for a classroom setting

Read Chapter 2: "The Object of Worship" pages 29-44 inclusive. Create 5 points of interest to you.
Link to today's notes.

Read Act 4, Scenes 1 & 2. Compete corresponding questions.


Read Young Goodman Brown (you know who you are). Friday's blog post has a PDF version. Finish reading Act 4, Scene 1 and answer the corresponding questions.

Friday, December 9, 2016

The Non-Snow Day that Felt like a Snow Day with Attendance


Block B: Prepare for the Quotes Quiz on Monday for Hamelt
Block C: Read (only)  Young Goodman Brown found in chapter 6 of the textbook...or here : )

Christian Studies

Finish reading chapter 1 of the book For the Glory of God. If you weren't in class on Friday, you will have a lot to catch up on as there is no online version...perhaps the public library?
Check back for homework reading questions on Sunday.

Three questions for Friday's in class reading
1. Explain the idea that worship has moved from animism to divinity to (perhaps eventually) secularism.

2. What are the three ways that churches attempt to fix the problem of worship, primarily around music, and what effect does this have on the church?

3. When looking at the Bible for proper ways to worship what two ways can be found and what are the problems of each?

For the homework reading, please create 10 points of interest from chapter 1.

See you tomorrow.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Shakespeare and Money


Complete all questions (except the one about A Worn Path) for chapter lessons of 5 and 6.

No school tomorrow? Get into Act 4 (all of Othello) and (1 & 2) for Hamlet. Complete the questions. Hamlet: complete Act 3 journal.

See you tomorrow or so.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Welcome Back!


Just for clarification purposes, we will be, indeed, holding our final exam in class tomorrow and not one week after it was assigned as the handout states in yesterday's blog.
See you tomorrow.


Everyone is reading The Rocking Horse Winner by DH Lawrence and answering 2,3 5,6,9 at the end of the story.d

Othello readers are doing a journal entry for Act 3 and Hamlet readers are reading until the ghost enters and exits (only a few more lines).

Monday, December 5, 2016

snowy day!

Christian Studies Modules FINAL EXAM REVIEW

Your final exam for this Christian Studies module will be due one week after the module ends. Answer one of the following essay questions in a two-three page paper:

C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters (Mrs. Loconte)

1)In The Screwtape Letters, Lewis never directly introduces the character of ‘the patient’; we see him only through the descriptions from Screwtape. Keeping in mind that Screwtape’s opinions or interpretations of the patient and his actions may not be accurate, look through the letters and put together a characterization of the patient. What are his strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes?

2) How does Screwtape generally characterize humanity in his letters? Examine and discuss some of the phrases he used to describe humans. Why does Screwtape have this viewpoint of humans? In what ways is his assessment or viewpoint concerning humans accurate and in what ways wrong?

3)In a number of places throughout these letters, Screwtape asserts differences between the way in which men and woman act, can be tempted, or think. Go back through letters and review these instances. Are such generalizations are valid? What dangers do generalizations contain? When can they be useful?

You will be evaluated on your demonstration of meeting the following three learning goals:
1)      Bible: To develop a deeper understanding of the biblical principles to guide our discernment of God’s will for our lives.
2)      Application: To identify and use our gifts to make decisions and plan for our future to influence and serve in the world.
3)      Articulation: To reflect upon and articulate one’s faith and role as a servant leader in the world.

Marking Scheme
Essay Rubric:
The six response is superior and may draw upon any number of factors, such as depth of
discussion, effectiveness of argument, or level of insight. It exhibits an effective writing style and a
sophisticated use of language. Despite its clarity and precision, the response need not be errorfree.

The five response is proficient and reflects a strong grasp of the topic and the text. The references
to the passage may be explicit or implicit and convincingly support a thesis. The writing is well
organized and demonstrates a strong command of the conventions of language. Errors may be
present, but are not distracting.

The four response is competent. The assertions tend to be simplistic; there are no significant
errors in understanding. References are present and appropriate, but may be limited to only part
of the text. The writing is organized and straightforward. Conventions of language are usually
followed, but some errors are evident.

The three response is barely adequate. Understanding of the topic or the text may be partially
flawed. Support may consist of long references to the text which are not clearly connected to a
central idea or may be meagre or repetitive. The response may show some sense of purpose, but
errors may be distracting.

The two response is inadequate. While there is an attempt to address the topic, understanding of
the text or the task may be seriously flawed. Errors are recurring, distracting, and often impede

The one response is unacceptable. It does not meet the purpose of the task or may be too brief to
address the topic. There is a serious lack of control in the writing.

The zero response reflects a complete misunderstanding of the text or the task, is off-topic or is a
restatement of the question.

A blank paper with no response given.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Friday. Need I say more?

Image result for friday meme

Hamlet? Nuthin'
Othello? Nuthin' (well, quiz, so, something...but nuthin' else)

Quiz ch. 22-26....closed book

Thursday, December 1, 2016

December = deca= 10. Wha? This is not the 10th month!

Anybody every try to figure out the reason for this month being named as it is. Go's pretty interesting.

Hamlet: Finish 3.1 questions. Ready 3.2 up to line 125
Othello: Finish questions for 3.3.

Screwtape: Finish questions for Letter 28.
Journal topic for tomorrow:
In Letter 27, Screwtape touches on the question of whether God determined the fate and destiny of all things, whether everything is predetermined: “he would reply that then the Enemy always knew men were going to make those prayers and ,if so, they did not pray freely but were predestined to do so.” This is an ancient discussion: predestination versus free will of man. Does God control history? How much does he control destiny? Is everything that happens set in place by God? Do we have free will? How does man’s free will fit into God’s will? Can our free will go against God’s will? The implications of these questions can be profound. This topic is complicated and the two positions (Calvinism: predestination & Arminianism: free will) are hotly defended.  Feel free to look at religious leaders viewpoints, the Bible, and other areas or research, but I want your response to be completely your own.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Last of November


Block B: Write a paragraph where you state either the theme or the conflict that occurs in The Visit. Support your answer with quotes. Also read up to TO BE OR NOT TO BE in 3.1 of Hamlet.

Block C: Read up to Act 3.3 lines 135 (Scenes 1 and 2 inclusive). Complete corresponding questions.


Read Letter 27 and do all questions to finish the hand out up to Letter 26.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Love Sees Not with the Eyes, But WIth The Mind

This quote from Midsummer Night's Dream is applicable to both English and Screwtape classes today.


Finish reading "Paul's Case". Here is the LINK.


Read Letters 23 and 24 and complete the questions on the handout.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Joy to the World!


Team Hamlet: quiz on Act II tomorrow. Also make sure you have finished your questions for The Visit. I will give you a second handout tomorrow.

Team Othello: We will finish having students enact the given soliloquys as we worked on last Thursday and be sure you complete a paragraph on discussing THEME  or CONFLICT in The Visit.
Students on the side closeST to the door were doing CONFLICT.


Read Letter 22 and do questions 1-3 for on it.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

It's a solid month til Christmas! Yes!

Quiz on Monday: Letters 11-20 + Movie....

Othello: Quiz Monday

Complete Act 2.2 and questions.

One of the Best Things about Christmas!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Carver


Team Othello: Complete the questions for Act 2 Scene 3 for tomorrow.
There will be an Act 2 quiz on Monday.
Team Hamlet: Read up to line 168 in Act 2 Scene 3 and complete the accompanying questions.


Ensure you have read up to Letter 21 and have completed all of the questions as we will review tomorrow. We will have a quiz on Letters 11-20 on Monday. Feel free to see how Shadowlands ends below.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016



Act 1 Quiz


To be honest, I don't think we will have time to tackle the questions tomorrow. If you just complete questions for letters 17-19, that would be great!

Monday, November 21, 2016

The Phonograph was invented on this day by Edison

Image result for phonograph oh, technology, you've come a long way baby!

Hamlet good copy of Code of Conduct due tomorrow.
Quiz on Act 1 on Wednesday.
Poetry Tuesday: pre-read When My Love Swears She is Made of Truth & To the Marriage of True Minds, Let Me Not Admit Impedents.

Look for a handout on questions 17-21 tomorrow...due Wednesday.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

My Friday, Your Thursday

Hello all, I will not be blogging tomorrow as I won't be in school, so if you want to know the homework call your study buddy.
Also please note, if you email me on the weekends, I will not be checking my account until Sunday evening. Pressing matters will have to wait until then. Weekday emails won't be checked until after 8:30, when I have had a moment's peace, i.e. my kids are tucked away in bed.


Nothing really. Feel free to read your mural chapter...or not. Bring the necessary writing/drawing implements.


Both classes are reading the end of scene 3 + questions.

Fridays Be Like:

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

"Nerds, Geeks, and Dweebs, Lend Me Your Ears!"


Othello: Finish Act 1 Scene 2 and do all questions for this play so far.
Hamlet: Read up to line 130 in Act 1 Scene 2 and do all questions for this play so far.

Screwtape Letters

Finish questions for chapters 10-12 and study for a quiz on Letters 1-10.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

"No Take Backs" does not apply when you are an English Teacher

English 12

Okay, so we are now in Two Camps: Those who study Hamlet and Those who study Othello. Both good plays, rest assured (yes, I am biased).

Hamlet: please do journal entry #1 (I know, I know, I said no hw) and write for 10 minutes on the following topic:
Why, if at all, do we need to still read Shakespeare and/or other 'great' classic authors of days-gone-by.

Othello: please do journal entry #1 on the handout I gave at the end of class, either the play on words or the poem.


thanks for you patience...

Read Letters 8 & 9 and answer the following questions:

1. In Letter 8, Screwtape plainly lays out the opposing war efforts of God and Satan. What is Satan's ultimate aim regarding humanity? In contrast, what is God's? How do Genesis 1:27, John 12:27-32, 17:20-24, and Ephesians 1:3-14 support Screwtape's understanding of God's goal?

2. In Letter 8, Screwtape comments that God 'cannot ravish' but 'can only woo'. What does this mean and do you agree?

3. In Letter 9, Screwtape mentions that 'desires of the flesh' can be much more easily turned sinful when a person is in a trough. What is his explanation for this. Agree?

4. In Letter 9, Screwtape tells Wormwood that, during his patient's dry spell, he must keep his inexperienced patient away from ore experienced Christians. Why?

5. How does Jesus exemplify those conditions under which Screwtape says the demonic cause 'is never more in danger'? Consider Matthew 26: 36-46; 27:46; John 12:27, 28; Philippians 2:5-11; and Hebrews 5:7-10 when answering.

"No Take Backs" does not apply when you are an English Teacher

English 12

Okay, so we are now in Two Camps: Those who study Hamlet and Those who study Othello. Both good plays, rest assured (yes, I am biased).

Hamlet: please do journal entry #1 (I know, I know, I said no hw) and write for 10 minutes on the following topic:
Why, if at all, do we need to still read Shakespeare and/or other 'great' classic authors of days-gone-by.

Othello: please do journal entry #1 on the handout I gave at the end of class, either the play on words or the poem.


thanks for your patience...

Read Letters 8 & 9 and answer the following questions:

1. In Letter 8, Screwtape plainly lays out the opposing war efforts of God and Satan. What is Satan's ultimate aim regarding humanity? In contrast, what is God's? How do Genesis 1:27, John 12:27-32, 17:20-24, and Ephesians 1:3-14 support Screwtape's understanding of God's goal?

2. In Letter 8, Screwtape comments that God 'cannot ravish' but 'can only woo'. What does this mean and do you agree?

3. In Letter 9, Screwtape mentions that 'desires of the flesh' can be much more easily turned sinful when a person is in a trough. What is his explanation for this. Agree?

4. In Letter 9, Screwtape tells Wormwood that, during his patient's dry spell, he must keep his inexperienced patient away from ore experienced Christians. Why?

5. How does Jesus exemplify those conditions under which Screwtape says the demonic cause 'is never more in danger'? Consider Matthew 26: 36-46; 27:46; John 12:27, 28; Philippians 2:5-11; and Hebrews 5:7-10 when answering.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Term Two Today


New Term: new unit--please read the poem 'The Man who Finds that His Son is a Thief' and complete (in written format) the two questions at the end of the handout.


Read Chapter 7 and complete all the questions on today's handout.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Test from within (1984) and tests from without (temptations from devils--Screwtape)

First of all, enjoy your long weekend and don't forget to respect and give thanks to your local veteran on Friday. Perhaps you could attend a cenotaph in the morning or just pause at 11:11.


Finish reading Politics and the English Language and provide 7 points made by Orwell.


Finish reading letter 4 and complete all questions on the handout. Don't forget to also complete journal #1: responding to the poem by Coleridge.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Wow, what wonderful weather today, man! (but also, lest we forget)


1984 test tomorrow.
Length of time time 1:10.
Except a mixed bag of nuts: matching, t/f, m/c, quotes, short/long answer. /80

The Screwtape Letters

Finish reading the Preface and answer the four questions in the Preface section of the Discussion Questions.
Read Letter One and don't worry about answering those questions.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Don't tread on my dreams, man!


Journals due Monday.

Grad Trans

Attention: module 1-- your portfolios are now marked. Pick them up in my classroom.
Portfolios due Monday.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Whoa! A day of no rain!


Some due dates for you:
Friday: final draft of Narrative Essay.
Monday: 7 journals due
Wednesday: 1984 test.
Maybe bring popcorn tomorrow?

Grad Trans

Portfolio due tomorrow--just joking--it's due on Monday.
In-class final essay due tomorrow though...and your journal #2.

This weather had me feeling like:

Image result for noah's ark flood

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Do not be Afraid...


Tonight you are reading chapter 4 of 1984 and do the questions that apply (1-5 I think).

Grad Trans

The next two days are for your grad portfolio. It is due on Monday! Plan accordingly.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Monday Candy, Costumes and God


Chapter 3 and questions.
Get your journals up to date if you have not yet, they are due soon.
Final draft of Narrative Essay due Friday.

Grad Trans

We are working on cover letters tomorrow.
Come prepared.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

1984 and Life after High School

Grad Trans

Bring in a copy of your resume.


Read and complete questions for 1984 chapter 2. (questions for ch. 1 if you are in C block).

Wednesday, October 26, 2016



Block B: Please read chapter 1 of Part III and do the questions.
PDF version of 1984. start on page 284.

Grad Trans

Complete the portion of the financial plan where you summarize your conversation with you parents about finances next year (and beyond).

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Why is everything Pumpkin Spice these days?


Pt 2 1984 quiz tomorrow

Grad Trans

Complete the Financial Assistance handout for tomorrow.

Monday, October 24, 2016


Block C only: Journal for 1984 #6:

Write a speech that could be delivered by the orator in 1984. Bring out the shock effect of the war atrocities to ‘madden’ your audience, then, as the orator does ‘in mid sentence, without even breaking the syntax’ change the focus of your attack from one imaginary country to the other . To sustain paranoia in continuous war, fears are constantly reinforced. Try to use the same type of tactics  that occur during Hate Week to increase paranoia among the populace. Your enemy can be another country, team, or "other". Any OTHER that is not 'us'.

Quiz Wednesday for part 2 of Nineteen Eighty Four
If you ain't prepared don't even show up at my door.
Not trying to scare you or freak you out,
but showing up unprepared is not what English 12's about.
If you're 'over' Big Brother and hating this novel,
I can't make you like it by now and won't grovel.
It's almost all over; the final scene's left to play,
So hang in tight: soon 'Eighty Four will go away.
But until then you've got two poems left to read-
One's a guy with an ego and the other's about greed. 

Grad Trans

We will work on the Financial Aid hand-out tomorrow in class, so bring a laptop if you would rather work in the classroom.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Looking for the Rainbow


Complete your response to Writer's Fest. This is due on Monday. Be prepared to share.
Tuesday is poetry Tuesday.
Wednesday is our 1984 quiz on part II.

Grad Trans 

If you did not finish your Post Secondary Round-Up complete that for Monday.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Day we all went and listened to some poets


Think about the field trip today. Get ready to do something great with all that thinking.
Bl. C 1984. Chapter 10 questions for tomorrow.

Grad Trans

We will continue working on the Post Secondary Round Up.
Bring a laptop if you refer to work in my class.

Image result for poetry is like

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

I could not easily kill a two-year old!


Bring your permission slip if you have not yet (due yesterday).
Dress in formal. Be here to leave at 8:40.
Read chapter 10 for Thursday's class of 1984 with questions.

Grad Trans

Complete the Shattering Myths handout in class today (pre-discussion only).

Friday, October 14, 2016

A storms a brewing

Image result for storm    So it was feeling a little like this today...batten down your hatches, kids, we are in for a ride this weekend.

Finish reading chapter 8 and questions
Journal entry #5
1. Write a satirical newsflash that might occur on television this week. Use the same enthusiastic tone Orwell parodies. Relate your reported event to a larger drive for peace, prosperity, victory, or some other goal.
2.  Write a poem in which you either praise the peoples and landscapes of our country or satirize them. Bring out both virtues and weaknesses.

  1. the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
    • a play, novel, film, or other work that uses satire.
      plural noun: satires
      "a stinging satire on American politics"
    • a genre of literature characterized by the use of satire.

Grad Trans
Complete the self-assessment sheet I gave you on Friday in class.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Columbia Bible Pizza

English 12

Chapter 5 & questions.

Grad Transitions

If you are looking for the syllabus, please look in the archived blog posts under Sept 4th -11th.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Better late than never

English 12

Just a head's up, we will be journalling in class tomorrow so please bring your diary.
Also read chapter 4 and answer the questions.
(permission slips)

Wednesday, October 5, 2016



Chapter 1-3 + questions for 1984- part 2.

p.s. having discussed and written on political correctness and offending others (or not), what do you make of this video and the corresponding comments? microaggressive?

Grad Trans

Portfolio (core choices except Spiritual portion) due Tuesday

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Technically Hump Day


Read Just Lather That's  All ( PDF version) in your handout package.
Answer the question here. A paragraph will do.

Grad Trans

In class essay tomorrow. Prepare.
In case you missed it: thanks,technology!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Friday, September 30, 2016



Quiz on Pt 1 of 1984 on Monday.
Please read the section on Theme in the Perrine's Literature textbook (chapter 4).
Answer the questions that follow.

Grad Trans

We work on our portfolio next week, come prepared to do so.

P.S. Please note Artona has opened up an additional 40 slots for booking your photos.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Say Cheese!


Take home assignment
 In chapter 5, Syme explains how eliminating language narrows the range of thought. Although we do not live in a totalitarian state, political correctness aims to eliminate language to narrow the possibility of offence.
I want you to explore that topic tonight in a 350-500 response. Here's what you will need: the hand out I gave you called Better Watch What You Say, This Video by John Cleese , This second video by Vox and a Bible (Romans 12:8 & 14:13-21; 1 Corinthians 8:9, 13; James 3: 9-10) After you have been primed  [To make ready; prepare] answer this question:

How do we, as Christians, remain sensitive to others while at the same time resisting the political correctness culture aka modern day thought police? Should we never offend (think Jesus v Pharisees)?

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Fantastic Mr. Fox


Finish reading chapter 8 (and questions)

Grad Transitions

We are working on resumes and cover letters for tomorrow. Make sure you have them. We will be in the lab.

Image result for the fantastic mr fox

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