Thursday, December 17, 2015

It's Here!! It's Here!!!

The Last Day of Scheduled Classes of 2015!!!
happy excited stephen colbert comedy central thumbs up


Upcoming due dates:
First day back--lines.
First Friday back--Literary Graffiti
First Monday back--Test
Othello Wrap-Up Notes!

C.S. Lewis

Read An Unforgettable Night and Xmas and Christmas. Two essays found in your duo-tang.
Answer the questions for each reading.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Four, For, Fore!


Journal: Last entry due Thursday
" Over the years Othello has left critics and viewers of the play wondering and debating: does Shakespeare provide Iago with enough human motivation for the malevolent acts he commits? Is it plausible that the intelligent, noble Othello could fall so quickly into Iago's trap, turning from blissful newlyweb to murderer in three days?
Is the play deeply flawed, or is it disturving and challenging because of it 'problems'? Do the play's problems provoke you to think deeply about human nature, or would they be better 'fixed' by a rewrite?

Lines due January 5th

Finish 5.2 for Thursday, including questions.

C. S. Lewis

Journal topic that was written on the board.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Five, V, Cinq


Finish reading Rocking Horse Winner (online version) Be prepared to give a suitable answer to certain questions I may have to determine how well/if you read it.

C.S. Lewis

Finish the questions for Chapter 5.
Be prepared to take the quiz on Book One tomorrow and write a journal entry in class as well.

Are you ready?!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Six, VI, Liu


Read Chapter 6 of the textbook: Symbol, Allegory, and Fantasy
Here are the questions for those who have the 8th edition:

1. Review the definition of a literary symbol.
2. Explore the uses of symbolic names, objects, and actions.
3. Distinguish between symbolism and allegory.
5. Describe the importance of ambiguity in a literary allegory.
6. Define the term 'fantasy' and describe the prominent feature of a fantastic story.

Quiz on Monday: Act 4

C.S. Lewis

Complete questions for chapters 3 and 4 of Mere Christianity.

Journal #1 (only to be completed after reading chapter 4):
"There has been a great deal of soft soap talked about God for the last hundred years. That is not what I am offering." What, in your opinion, is Lewis offering us in Mere Christianity.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Seven: 7


Do the following:
Dumka questions in your duo-tang
4.2 questions (bring your journal tomorrow)
Pick lines for the project (and have a second and third choice...just in case)

C.S. Lewis

Happy TBT

 Read Chapter two and answer the questions in the handout for both chapters 1 and 2.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Eight, Ate, VIII


Read Act 4.1 and complete the questions.

Remember that Literary Circles are due January 14th.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Nine, Neuf, Nueve.


Paul's Case still needs to be read and completed for most students in C block.

funny gif no gif wtf gif annoyed gif so true gifare my feelings about that.

Also read Point of View on page 227 #1-4. I believe a student is posting the questions. Email me if those of you with the 8th edition can not get access to those four questions.

Vancouver Team

Last day of the module tomorrow.
Quiz on the rest of Matthew (Devos 10-13)

Monday, December 7, 2015

Officially 10 days left


Here's your homework.


Yeah, I know Paul's Case is long but in the eternal words of Shia LeBeouf "JUST DO IT"! Oh yeah, and answer three to five after.

Vancouver Team,

Hand in your journals tomorrow and prepare for a quiz on Matthew for Wednesday.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Straight outta December


"Beware, my Lord, of the green-eyed quiz taker. He is mocked by the quiz he is unprepared for."
Quiz Monday Act 3 .
Read "What shall he tell that Son": it is in your duo-tang and complete the MC questions that follow.

Vancouver Team

Remember we are finishing Ms Yang's room Monday bring a change of clothes.
Finish Matthew devos 12 and 13 and do your journals. These will be handed in on Tuesday!


Origin of December

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

You M.A.D.D. bro?


Answer 1-10 questions for III.iii.
January 14th Lit Circle projects due.
January 25th English provincial.

Vancouver Team

Complete jouranls (10th entry).
Finish Devo # 10 & 11 if you did not in class.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Double Doors Decorously Done!


In a 100-250 word, double-spaced paragraph (Times New Roman, 1 inch margins) contrast the fathers in the poem 'Wordsmith' and the short story 'Gold Mountain Coat'.

Complete the multi-choice questions that follow the short story as well. Both works can be found in your duo-tang.
Please physically hand in a paper copy to me tomorrow.

Vancouver Team

Quiz tomorrow
You should be entering journal number 9 on acts of kindness and attitude of gratitude.

Monday, November 30, 2015

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

If you like the 'classics' as much as I do, you will like these two singing all the Christmas hits! Buble learned all he knows from this pair!

Read The Drunkard. If you like to read online but like to read the book version too, you can have the best of both worlds HERE!...and just because I am not assigning homework questions, doesn't mean I don't fully expect you to read this story.

Quiz on Act Two tomorrow.

Vancouver Team

Check last Monday's blog for tonight's homework. Devo #9.
Keep up to date on both your journals. It only takes a few minutes.
Quiz on all of Matthew studied so far and Orange Peels on Wednesday!
Start bringing in Rakes if you have them. We will start raking by the end of the week.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Student Long Weekends Be Like...


We have a quiz on Tuesday! Act Two, so please complete scene three and do all the questions.
Bring your journal to class on Monday also please.

Vancouver Team

Make sure you read the rest of Orange Peels. We will have a quiz on Tuesday on all of the Devotions up to Monday and also this reading.

Enjoy the time off...use this time to get caught up on this that you have left by the way side for way too long.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

"Be the Change", her shirt said!


Read "Wordsmith" which can be found in your duotang and answer the questions that follow.
Remember for those of you not leaving on the World Religions field trip, we will be watching a movie: bring the munchies!

Vancouver Team

Stepping Stones due tomorrow.
Next two Matthew devotions due Thursday.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Monday of a Short Week!

shawbrothersuniverse  sad no crying upset
When it's Monday.

Vancouver Team

Your devotions homework for the rest of the module will be here: Matthew . Please do the next TWO devos for tonight.
Remember, that your presentations are due Wednesday.
1. Nick C - photo ID, BC Med, immunizations
2. Michael L- BC Med
3. Johnathan O- photo ID, BC Med, immunizations
4. Andrew Y- photo ID, BC Med, immunizations
5. Zane Z- photo ID, BC Med, immunizations

Finish Act 1 + questions.

Friday, November 20, 2015


Here's to Friday!!!


Finish the short story, The Visit, and its multiple choice questions if you did not in class.
Finish also journal entry #2 if you didn't in class.
Read 2.1 of Othello, only up to the part where Othello enters the scene-stop there! Complete the corresponding questions.
Quiz/Test (?) on poetic/literary devices Monday.

Vancouver Team

Compete journal #5 (I am checking on Monday)
Complete your devotion on Matthew.
Be prepared to walk around the Carver neighborhood putting up signs on Monday.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Report Cards: Harbingers of Doom or Proclamations of Magnificence?


One: bring a journal to class tomorrow, that's j-o-u-r-n-a-l not loose leaf paper.
Two: there's a quiz tomorrow so,
Three: quiz-est on Monday for poetic and literary devices so again, you're going to want to take Scar's advice on that one.
Four: Have a read on Venetian culture (pages 47 and 237) just FYI.

Vancouver Outreach

Devo #3 is due tomorrow and Stepping Stones are due Wednesday.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Two down, two to go!

Vancouver Outreach

Do the second devo on Matthew answer all the questions.
Bring a laptop tomorrow in case you want to work on a digital version of your "stepping stones".
In order to get you think more on doing 'Acts of Kindness' HERE is the video I showed in class. And The Other but I had to throw in ONE MORE because it's just so cute!


Finish Act 1.3 questions 1-7.
Quiz Friday on Act 1
Poetic devices quiz on Monday.
But on the plus side our last day of the year is exactly a month from today:
I don't know about you, but I kinda feel like this about it!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Windy, man!


Answer questions for Act I, scene II.

Vancouver Outreach

Read the handout on giving homeless people money and finish the questions for Matthew 1:1-17.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Awwww, yeahh!! Friday AND No School?!?! That's just too good!!


You are writing journal entry #1 for term 2. Reflect and respond in any way to either reading given in the handout that prefaces our study of Othello.


I came across a great website several years back called Storycorps. Their aim is to tell every great story that an American has to tell. The original author tells his story and then this story is set to animation. It's a great website, one that I recommended. One particular story reminds me of a poem we studied in Unit One. Thought I'd share it with you here as time did not allow for it in class.

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Attention Social Justice Students:

As promised here is your social justice final exam topic

Please do essay topic # 3 (select the top three topics as discussed in social justice)

This is due the last day of classes--December 18th. Email submissions only.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

I am a Logophile!

In your textbook, read the section titled HUMOR AND IRONY. Answer questions 1-4. Read also The Guest.

Monday, November 9, 2015

This is my confession

I am the procrastinator. If you are like me, perhaps, you, too, will benefit from watching this video every now and again. Do it!

Jordan thought you would enjoy this video. It's related.

No homework, English 12 students.

Final projects due tomorrow, Social Justice students.

Friday, November 6, 2015

It's Friday so it can't be all that 'Doubleplusungood'!

Social Justice

If you missed today's journal topic this was the topic. Remember journals are due on Monday. Be sure to include one news article of your own.
Skits will be presented Monday as well and final projects are due Tuesday.
You will be given your final exam topic on Wednesday, and it will be due the last day of school before the Christmas break by email submission only.


1984 paragraphs due Monday.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Guy Fawkes Day

Matt cartoon, 3 November

For all my closet conspirators out there, this one's for you!


Determine whether Guns or Vergismeinnicht is a superior poem. A 1/2 page paragraph response is due tomorrow. Hard copy only please. Read Evaluating Poetry II (chapter 16) before you write on "Guns" or  Vergismeinnicht.

Social Justice

As mentioned in class, you MAY (or may not) have a quiz tomorrow on all the Zealous Love, those.

Monday: Journals due
Monday: Skit due (record it or act it in front of the class this is up to you)
Tuesday: Final project due.
December 18th (midnight latest) Final exam essay due. Topic given out on Remembrance Day.

Journal topic to be given out tomorrow in class.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Dean O'Gorman Iolaus animated GIF
That look when nothing comes to mind for a clever post title.

Civil Peace. Read it. Perrine's Literature. Find it, it's there!

Social Justice
No homework but various due dates are approaching (see previous blog posts). Have you read all Zealous Love readings? (Cue ominous music)

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun...


Read "The One's who walk away from Omelas", it's a bit long and perhaps even (dare I say it?) boring in its introduction & rising action, but it pays off (though-provokingly enough) towards the end. Please stick with it, we will discuss it tomorrow.

Social Justice

Good news coming tomorrow in class...
but for tonight please read Economic Inequality (pages 207-216),
and here is your journal pre-read for tonight.

Benedict Cumberbatch has a few words to say to those who attend his Hamlet performance every day. What will you use your voice to say?

Monday, November 2, 2015

Fall Back (Spring Ahead)

It wasn't always this way!


1984 Powerpoint

Alternative to journal entry #6: Compose three sentence that might constitute a thoughtcrime in our school, community, country. What emotions might you feel if you really said/did these things? Sugest certain situations in the world today where committing a thoughcrime (speaking the truth) has serious consequences.

Zoe's link to My Little Pony/1984

Test tomorrow: Bring paper, pen, journals, and your 'A-game'.

Social Justice

No hw tonight. Get caught up on everything outstanding.

Friday, October 30, 2015

IGNITE the Light to Abolish the Fright!

Social Justice

Because we have a quiz on Monday, there will be NO journal topic this weekend.

For the quiz, make sure you are caught up to date on your readings, and review your notes.

Refugees will not be on the quiz but for our discussion, ensure that you have read pages 78-85 in Zealous Love on Refugees.

Lastly, your brainstorming aspect of your final project is due on Monday (make sure you get a parent signature on your project form).


Chapter 4 and 5 need to be completed if you were not in class on Friday (and if you were).

Test for 1984 is Tuesday and journals are due for that day as well.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Harrison, Winston, O'Breyanne, Keith

Social Justice

This is your journal pre-read. There may (or may not) be a quiz on everything we have learned up to today tomorrow.


Chapter 3 questions 1984.
Test next Tuesday, journal due same day (7 topics in total)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Advisory + Food Donations = Fun Ignite!

English 12

Write your compare/contrast paragraph as outlined in class and mentioned in yesterday's post.
Read chapter 1 of Part III and answer the questions.

Social Justice

Social Justice News Topic

Complete the fill in the blank worksheet on vocab words.
If you have not completed your essay...well, do that first!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Last Week of October!

English 12

Read the short story: Harrison Bergeron. The link is below or it is in the Inside Stories II book on page 175.

Respond to one of the following questions below. Your response should be a paragraph with proper quote integration (at least two) and topic and concluding sentence. One page double spaced maximum! This will be handed in for marks Wednesday! (WEDNESDAY)

1. Vonnegut's message seems to say that individual civil rights should never be sacrificed the alleged common good. Do you see examples of this in 1984? Comment on both.

2. Vonnegut shows what extraordinary strength can do: defy the laws of gravity and motion; but Vonnegut also shows that strength can be used to oppress the weak, even in the name of protecting the weak against the excesses of the strong. Is this the case in 1984? Support with examples from both.

Writer's Fest Creative Response due tomorrow (TUESDAY).

Harrison Bergeron
Got 26 minutes? Watch a movie version!

Social Justice

Complete a sheet on Big Ideas to be handed in tomorrow.

Remember that you want to list the topics we have discussed. Summarize the Big Concepts, Outline the new ideas or thoughts and state any lingering questions and questions for the teacher.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

WE had some students missing today. Because WE.

If you haven't broke in a form for the field trip tomorrow you still have a few brief hours left to do so.
In anticipation for spoken word poetry tomorrow, here's a little poem I wrote:

Quiz Monday for part 2 of Nineteen Eighty Four
If you ain't prepared don't even show up at my door.
Not trying to scare you or freak you out,
but showing up unprepared is not what English 12's about.
If you're 'over' Big Brother and hating this novel,
I can't make you like it by now and won't grovel.
It's almost all over; the final scene's left to play,
So hang in there: soon 'Eighty Four will go away.
But till then you've got questions to do for 'ten',

And don't forget those journals, ladies and gentlemen.

Social Justice
Research papers due on Monday.
Get your project assignments signed by your parent/guardian.
Journal topic for Monday's in class writing: Click this link

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

It's Tuesday, the slightly more attractive twin sister of Monday!


No homework but remember to bring your Bible (app or book) and 1984 novels tomorrow. We will be doing an in class assignment.

Social Justice

Remember to bring your laptops for tomorrow.
Tonight we are reading a journal topic for our final journal entry of the week:
# Don't Have a Million

Also as a follow up to "what are people doing about sex trafficking?" posed by Shirley today in class,
this Upworthy Video will show just what some people are doing.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Bad Officials are Elected by Good Citizens who do not Vote!

Image result for vote quotes


You need to finish Chapter 10 questions if you are in Block C.
Both blocks need to complete your journal #6.
Write a speech that could be delivered by the orator in 1984.  Bring out the shock effect of the war atrocities to ‘madden’ your audience, then, as the orator does ‘in mid sentence, without even breaking the syntax’ change the focus of your attack from one imaginary country to the other .  To sustain paranoia in continuous war, fears are constantly reinforced.  Find three incidents that occur during Hate Week that would increase paranoia among the populace.  

Social Justice

Complete the Self-Assessment for homework marks.
Read pages 23-29 on Human Trafficking in Zealous Love.
(Remember to bring in a laptop on Wednesday)
Research essay due Monday the 26th.

Friday, October 16, 2015



Get your field trip sign read and filed in your you legal guardian for Monday.

Social Justice

Complete journals 1 and 2 if you have not yet and complete the 'Vision' handout if you have not yet.
Here is the journal reading for Monday is this! Not your typical Social Justice topic but an interesting one for sure
Lastly, complete your paragraph based on Now What #1 page 70.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Sorry for the Late Post

Social Justice

Due to the last post, here is a video.
Fill out the "What Vision is God Giving You" form.


Chapter 8

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

What's Your "Ism"?


What'cha doing here gr. 12? We have no HW today. Bub-bye.

Social Justice

Your first journal entry for tomorrow is Kinda Long : / They won't all be this lengthy. Please read this and come to class prepared to write about it tomorrow in class for the first 10 minutes. Bring a journal on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Those are the days we will journal.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Final Exam for Mere Christianity

Take Home Essay Topic #2.

2)  In an introduction to a broadcast given on January 11th of the published text, Lewis explains why he was chosen to give the talks: “...first of all because I’m a layman and not a parson, and consequently it was thought I might understand the ordinary person’s point of view a bit better. Secondly, I think they asked me because it was known that I’d been an atheist for many years and only became a Christian quite fairly recently. They thought that would mean I’d be able to see the difficulties – able to remember what Christianity looks like from the outside.” Do you think Lewis has succeeded in representing the ordinary person’s view of Christianity? In what ways might his atheism and later conversion have affected his relationship to Christian beliefs? Do his convictions gain weight because he struggled to arrive at them?

Some pointers:
Remember final exams are two hours with an additional hour if needed, but this time given is to answer all essay topics from all CS modules. Give yourself, then, the appropriate amount of time for this essay. There is no word limit, but it is a final exam.

You do not need to submit a paper copy unless you want to as I do not make notes on final exams. Marks are given, recorded and exams are kept by the teacher. All papers must come in no later than 9:10 on Tuesday morning.

Once I have recorded all your marks for this module, I will give you a paper copy of your mark for this module.

It has been great starting Christian Studies with you and best wishes in your next three modules.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

My week ends here


Make sure you attempt the eliminate wordiness worksheet and have chapters 2 and 3 done for tomorrow.

Mere Christianity

Finish your questions for the remaining chapters we have discussed.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Just another Manic Monday

Remember you are reading chapters 2 and 3 (with questions) for WEDNESday for 1984.
Tomorrow we are reading "Peace" Here is a great reading of this poem!
Lastly, try the back side of the eliminating wordiness handout for Wednesday.

Mere Christianity
Your personal essay is due tomorrow. 
Please complete the questions for chapters Forgiveness and Charity.

Man, this song is lousy...but it's Monday so--you're welcome!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Almost there!!


Edna gobble gobble gobble
"Words are useless.  Gobble, gobble, gobbble".

Not if they are going in your journal: What is an ideology" If you were to describ your ideology in which you believe, on which principles would your ideology be based? Freedom, equality, social order, justice, material comfort? Something else?

Read chapter 1 of Pt 2 and answer the questions.
Bring in scissors, glue and old magazines if you have them.

Mere Christianity

Personal essay due next Tuesday. Finish the questions on Christian marriage.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015 What?

Cuz it never ceases to put a smile on our faces!


Finish reading chapter 8 with the questions and be prepared for the quiz tomorrow. "Luck favors the prepared" ~ Edna Mode.

Mere Christianity

Finish the questions for Sexual Morality.
Journal #3: Two choices, pick one and write for 10 minutes:
"Do you agree that our sexual instinct has gone wrong?"
"What did you make of Lewis' model of Christian Marriage?"

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

"What did you learn about today in school, honey?" Morality vs Psychology, Motivation, & Rejoicing!


Chapter 7, read it.

Mere Christianity

Chapter 3 questions, do them.

Just for Sr. V-ball Boys Students

Journal #3

If you were to make a time capsule, what selected objects would you select to show future generations what society was like in the early 2000s. Give your reasoning.
Write a letter along with your collection to be sealed up. Begin the letter with the same salutation Winston used:

"To the future or to the past, to a time when thought is free, [...]to a time when truth exists and what is done cannot be undone. Greetings"!

Put ten minutes on the clock for uninterrupted writing. 

Monday, September 28, 2015



Tomorrow is Poetry Tuesday so I am not assigning chapter 7 for tonight's reading (that will be tomorrow night's) I am assigning the reading of Once More unto the Breach. You can find it in your black duotang  or here. Notice what poetic devices are evident. Quiz on 1984 on THURSDAY.

Mere Christianity 

Answer the questions for Social Morality.
Continue to prepare for your presentation: make sure you hand in your good copy before you present and a self reflection after.

Friday, September 25, 2015

"I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense."

Mere Christianity

Presentations start on Monday. Complete your questions for Faith pt. two.


Quiz sometime next week? "Doubleplusungood!!"
Get caught up on any chapters you haven't read yet, as we will finish Pt. 1 by next week sometime and have a quiz on Pt. 1
Answer questions (and read) chapters 4 & 5

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Why so cold, room? Why so cold?

Mere Christianity

You have no homework if you answered all the questions on the Cardinal Virtues...


You homework today is light.
So complete the task and you might.
Earn some Locobucks and look right
in the eyes of your friends, what a sight!

(chapter 3 questions)

Your Machiavellian feel good quote of the day:

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Meet the Creature Night

Mere Christianity

Read Chapter One of Book Three and complete the questions.


Complete chapter two reading and questions.

Your Daily Euphemism
Image result for euphemism

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

“Nothing will come of nothing: speak again.” ― William Shakespeare, King Lear

How I feel when you ask great questions!


You can find 1984 in PDF format in yesterday's blog: last line.
Read 'chapter one' and answer the questions.
B block please do the Chocolate editing and proofreading exercise.

Mere Christianity

Please read chapter one of book three for Thursday's class and ensure that you have finished your project chapter for tomorrow. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

“Many a true word hath been spoken in jest.” ― William Shakespeare, King Lear

Mere Christianity

Quiz tomorrow on Book Two.
Begin reading your project chapter and thinking of ways to make your 'interview' successful.


Poetry Tuesday tomorrow! Please read Dulce et Decorum Est. THIS webpage will give you the poem and supporting text to enjoy and understand the poem fully.

(Block B read introductory notes handed out at the end of class)

Postscript: Is there an English student who would like to do a newsletter write-up/poem for King Lear? I have been asked to give that task to someone but I would rather a student volunteer because they want to than me arbitrarily assigning the job. See me in person if you are up for the challenge! (No good deed goes unrewarded)


Friday, September 18, 2015

It's Friday!

How I went down the stairs today--what with it being Friday and all!


Let's Learn about Theme!

Please be prepared to give a great answer for the following questions on Theme for Monday:

  1. Describe the best way(s) in which the theme of a story may be stated.
  2. Distinguish between the theme of a story and the central purpose.
  3. Differentiate between the typical themes of commercial vs. literary stories.
  4. Stat the six principles relating the theme as described in this reading.

Mere Christianity

Finish answering the questions for ch. 4 if you did not in class.
Read chapter 5 for the weekend and answer the questions.
Remember that you have a quiz on Tuesday for Book Two.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

“How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is To have a thankless child!” ― William Shakespeare, King Lear

English 12

Please complete the questions at the end of  Plot and Structure (chapter two). These along with Journal entry number one: What's the difference between a revolutionary and a murderer? are due tomorrow. This should be a 10 minute timed response. See what thoughts you can produce in 10 minutes please.

  1. Define the term "plot".
  2. Describe the importance of conflict in fiction.
  3. Differentiate between the protagonist.
  4. Explore the importance of the element of surprise in fiction.
  5. Consider  the differences between a happy, an unhappy, and an indeterminate ending.
  6. Review the importance of artistic unity in literary fiction.
p.s. Students if you can get/prefer a digital copy (KOBO or otherwise) of 1984 please let me know. The sooner we can assign 1984 to everybody, the better.

Mere Christianity

Read chapter 3 "The Shocking Alternative" and answer questions...and maybe read it twice since "it's easy to read, hard to understand."

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

“As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods. They kill us for their sport.” ― William Shakespeare, King Lear

Mere Christianity

  • Ensure you have completed your journal entry #1 that was written on the board: what is Lewis offering in Mere Christianity?
  • Read Chapter 2 of Book Two and answer these questions.


  • Create three Level 3 Questions Here is the phraseology for these types of questions.
  • Again, please select a Literary Circle book if you have not done so and begin reading it in your free time.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

If He takes you to it, He'll see you through it!

Mere Christianity

Chapter 1: The Rival Conceptions of God--read and answer the questions.
Hanson, Ethan, Shirley take the quiz Wednesday at lunch. We will be at Bard.
Chapter 2: The Invasion--read and answer the questions THIS IS FOR WEDNESDAY'S CLASS!


Write a 5 sentence max paragraph that is well supported stating what you believe is the theme of The Man He Killed.
Read Just Lather, That's All by Hernando Tellez. This story is found in your duo-tang. Didn't bring it home? Read it Here

Monday, September 14, 2015

"Monday it is. Do this we must." Yoda

Mere Christianity

Quiz tomorrow on the first 5 chapters of Book One. We will review chapter 5 first and then take a quiz in the format of short answer.


Remember to get your Bard on the Beach forms signed and returned to me. Tonight's homework is posted below. Please read this poem and be prepared to critically discuss its meaning.
The powerpoint to The Destructors is HERE.

chapel april 16 d/e/ 1FAIpQLSe1M3GzPklD1McmcoxQGB6R RsnFpmz3rSSqQqwysu7KsvuSTA/ viewform?usp=sf_link